156- The Way You Look

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Request for @imcatarinatherese
and inspired by a post i saw on ig ;))

"I'll give you $10 if you can eat that taco in three bites." Shawn said, adding emphasis on the word three.

Friday nights were always spontaneous with Shawn, we were currently sat in a booth at our local diner alongside two of Shawn's friends. Shawn and I had first met at an event I was invited to, because I had started to become famous for singing on social media, and we instantly became friends- best friends even. However, many people always seemed to think the we were in a relationship due to the way we act.

"Oh, please." I scoffed. "I can do it in two." He threw his head back and let out a laugh and I mentally prepared myself.

"Okay, deal!" He pulled out his phone and opened up the snapchat app before recording me as I stuffed the taco in my mouth. He couldn't stop laughing as I struggled to contain my laughter to prevent the comments of my mouth flying every where.

Once I had swallowed the taco and collected myself I held my hand out to Shawn.

"You, owe me, 10 bucks." He rolled his eyes and fished a $10 bill out of his pocket and slapped it down on my hand.

"Come on, let's roll." He said as he placed down a $20 dollar bill on to the table and he held out his hand to help me get up.

Once I was on my feet, I started to walk to the car except Shawn pulled me around the car. I was confused- to say the least- but figured we were just going for a walk around the neighbourhood. His arm wrapped around my shoulders causing my left arm, which was connected his by our intertwined fingers, to bend at the elbow and rest just below his.

"Shawn?" I mumbled and he hummed in response. "Where are we going?"

"To the lake." He stated simply.

"What lake?"

"You'll see."

"You're not going to kill me are you?"

"God! You've foiled my plan" he laughed sarcastically. "But seriously, will you stop asking questions." I nodded and we continued to walk in silence.

Nothing could be heard from this part of the neighbourhood apart from the occasional cricket and the sound of our feet hitting the hard pavement underneath us. The sky was clear and it seemed as if there were a million and one stars up there which were flickering on and off like little lights.

"I can see you looking up at the star." Shawn mumbled.

"Yeah. They're just so pretty; magical almost."

"They're not that magical. They're just burning balls of gas."

"Goddammit!" I groaned. "Way to kill the vibe"

"They are though." I faced him and a small smirk was playing on my lips causing me to chuckle slightly and shake my head.

I could tell we were close to our destination, the smell in the air was similar to the smell of the beach- the sea salt kind of smell- and soon the surroundings turned into trees and the lights from the houses slowly faded back into the horizon. The sounds of our feet hitting the pavement had changed to the sounds of our feet breaking branches and the sound of small waves hitting rocks replaced the sound of the crickets.

Through a clearing, a lake became visible and a tiny 'T' shaped boardwalk was lit up with candles and lanterns. It was deserted besides a small lakeside restaurant which was open on the other side of the lake. I had visited this lake many times before but not this secluded area.

"We're here." Shawn smiled as he released his hand from mine. He walked down the boardwalk and I followed next to him occasionally bumping shoulders. We sat on the edge of the boardwalk and admired the view in front of us. "So, what do you think?"

"It's- wow." I mumbled. He let out a laugh and I took my shoes off and dangled my feet over the edge, my toes barely touching the surface. I rested my hands against the wooden floor and leaned back onto them.

We stayed silent for a while.

"Come on." Shawn jumped up and pulled off his shirt which was followed by his pants.


"Come on, we're going for a swim."

"You're crazy." I stated.

"But you love me." He teased.

"You're right, I do." He sent me a big, cheesy, toothy grin and pulled me up. I couldn't help admiring him as I gazed over his toned abdomen and strong arms. He raised his eyebrow at me and reached for the hem of my shirt.

"May I?" I nodded and he pulled it over my head. The cold air hit my body and goosebumps started to appear on my cold skin. His hands rested on my hips sending a wave of electricity rushing through my body and I looked at him again. This is the closest Shawn and I have ever been and I suddenly felt insecure with his eyes lingering on my face. The heat spread to my cheeks and I reached down to unbutton my jeans. I slipped them off slowly and Shawn's eyes stared at me intensely.

I jumped into the water quickly to hide my body from him and he followed behind shortly after. As he resurfaced he flicked water on my face and I squealed before flicking some back and swimming away. He laughed before following behind after me and jumping onto my back causing both of us to submerge under the water with a large splash.

We resurfaced once again and I brushed the hair back off my face and let out a laugh. Shawn gripped my thighs and pulled me to him. I wrapped them around his waist and rested my hands on his shoulders. His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips continuously before muttering.

"You don't know how beautiful you are, Catarina."

We leaned in to each other and connected our lips. The surge of energy rushed through my body as our lips moved in sync. The taste of salt mixed with the taste of each other as I ran my fingers through his wet hair and down the back of his head till the rest around his neck. His hand stayed on the backs of my thighs, constantly pulling me closer to him. His tongue traced my bottom lip slowly parting them and I continued to play with baby hairs at the back of his head.

I reluctantly pulled away first, our chests heaving as we recollected our breath. I brought my hands to his cheeks and cupped them before pressing one final kiss onto his lips. He smiled at me and I rested my head on his shoulders.

"Shall we get out?" I mumbled and he nodded and carried me out of the water. I pressed a kiss onto his shoulder and he placed me on a large rock whilst he ran to get our clothes. I laughed as he waddled back and pulled my top over my body and I took my pants off him and slipped them on. He finished getting dressed before he took a hold of my hand again and we walked back to Shawn's car.

ahhhh, I loved writing this!!! Has to be one of my favourites!!! Sorry, again, for how long I'm taking to upload but I'm trying I just have to meet these final deadlines and study then I'm all yours ;)))

I hoped you liked this Catarina

p.s I am still recovering from Shawn's concert! I haven't been able to stop listening to James' album though! Naked, Torn, Different and Ex are my four faves😊😊😊😊

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