178- Wingman

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Matt, Brian and I squeezed our way through the crowded club, with bottles of beer, towards the booth occupied by our friends, situated near the DJ stand. The club was booming for a Friday night and a mixture of boys and girls were scattered around the dance floor absentmindedly dancing along to whichever song was blasted through the loud speakers.

I relaxed back into my seat and brought my bottle to my lips before talking a large gulp of beer and engaging in a conversation with Matt- which was eventually cut short by his eyes trailing after a group of girls behind me.

I let out a groan. "Matt,"

"But look at her, Shawn." He whined as he pointed out a petite brunette who was mid conversation with a tall, model-like y/h/c. "Wingman?" He asked, his eyes brows raising suggestively.

"Wingman." I agreed. We shook hands and nodded before climbing from our seats and making our way over to the relatively large group of girls; which was slightly intimidating.

As I approached the y/h/c, I heard Matt offer the brunette a drink which she politely accepted and headed off towards the bar.

"She has a boyfriend, you know." She laughed when I was finally in talking distance to her.

"She does. Oh well, he could use a good kick to his ego." She let out a laugh, tilting her head back and allowing her hair to drop further down her back. I smiled at her.

"Oh god, what kind of wingman are you?" She let out another short laugh. "I'm y/n"

"Shawn." She nodded and ran a hand through her hair. "Fancy a dance?" I asked.

"I thought you would never ask."

The longer I spent with her the clearer it was becoming to me that she was attractive. Her makeup was done to perfection, her smile was possibly the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and not a single hair was out of place but besides her physical appearance, she was turning out to be one of the most funny, laid back, carefree, coolest people I have ever gotten to meet; besides John Mayer and Ed Sheeran of course.

"Shawn!" Matt yelled. We both stopped dancing and looked over at Matt, who was stomping towards us. "She has a boyfriend."

We both let out a laugh as Matt glared at us.

"You knew!" He said as he accusingly pointed his finger at me. "You didn't tell me."

"Sorry man, it slipped my mind." I motioned to the girl who was hiding behind me to cover up her giggles as I held my hands up in the air.

"Oh, I see" Matt mouthed, followed by a wink. I sent him a smile and he trotted off back to the booth.

As he left, I turned to y/n and she started to laugh out loud again. And it was honestly, one of the most melodic things I had ever heard.

We continued to dance wildly to the different remixes of songs that the DJ was playing whilst her friends danced suggestively up against other boys, which resulted in y/n rolling her eyes and teasing them.

"y/n, come on. We're gonna go." A raven haired girl called as she tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh, right okay." y/n smiled. "I'll meet you outside in a minute." They all nodded and moved off holding each others hands as they pushed their way through the crowd.

"Well, it was nice to meet you." I smiled.

"You too." She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, causing my breath to hitch.  She looked as if she was debating something in her head. "Shawn," she drawled out.


"Do you mind if I- um- if I get your number?" Her confidence and outgoingness was now replaced with a sheepish smile that danced across the soft features of her face.

"Oh, sure." I smiled and reached for my phone out of my pocket. "Here, type your number in and I'll text you."

Her smile widened and she started to type her number into my phone.

"Now, are you sure you can get through this crowd on your own?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes, I'm a big girl you know" she laughed and I nodded.

"Okay, well if you need anything just shout me."

"I will."


"Good." She smiled before rising to her tiptoes, placing her hands on my neck and pressing a soft and gentle kiss against my cheek. "Goodnight, Shawn."

"Goodnight, sweetie."


👤 @y/ig/n❤️ 628, 810

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👤 @y/ig/n
❤️ 628, 810

shawnmendes: 2 years ago today I was playing wingman not expecting to fall in love with the girl I was distracting. I love you so much baby!

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YAY Hopefully this imagine makes up for the previously shitty imagine but it is 2:51am in the U.K. Right now and I have only just wrote this so please ignore any grammer mistakes, this also goes for all my Imagines, and I will be editing them once I reach 200 parts. LOVE YOU ALL

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