186: Boyfriend Goals

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"Shawn!" I called from the bathroom. No reply. "Honey!" I shouted again, this time I heard his feet pounding up the stairs as he came running to me. His feet padded along the floor of the landing as he paced back and forth trying to figure out where I was calling him from.

"Baby, where are you?"

"The bathroom."

"Oh right." The handle on the door twisted and he popped his head in through the gap.

I stayed out in the toilet, holding my phone as I aimlessly scrolled trough Instagram. I looked up at Shawn and smiled.

"Hun, would you get me some toilet roll from the cupboard downstairs please" I asked, sending him another sweet smile.

He let out a laugh, dropping his head back. "Of course, darling."

He disappeared, his footsteps quieting as he wandered off downstairs. I turned my attention back to Instagram and answered a couple of dm's of friends and fans of Shawn before I was completely disturbed by a toilet roll being launched at my head.

"Ow!" I whined.

"Sorry, but I didn't want to smell your shitty ass."


"Shawn, will you do me a HUGE favour?" I mumbled into Shawn's chest. I peppered kisses lightly against him as his large hand rested on my large belly, rubbing it gently.


"Will you run the store and get me a bag of flammin' hot Cheetos, please" I said as I smiled at him.

"Are you serious?" He laughed.

"Yes, I'm craving them so bad."

"But it's 2:07 in the morning."

"I know, I can tell the time. But there will be a gas station open or something." I intertwined our fingers together and pulled them up to my lips were I pressed a kiss onto them and battered my eyelashes at him.

"Fine." He huffed, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, sliding on his Adidas slides and pulling on a shirt.


I slipped on my open-toe heels and glanced in the mirror at my outfit. Shawn and I were attending the billboard awards tonight as he was nominated for 6 awards. I surveyed my outfit head to toe before cringing as I looked down at my unpainted toe nails.

With me nearing the end of the final trimester of pregnancy and my large bump, things which were easy in the second and first trimester like painting my toes and shaving my legs have become a lot harder. In a way, I was a lot better off than other women due to my high level of flexibility from my dancing days but now I'm stuck.

"Shawn!" I called, instantly his footsteps were echoing from the stairs and towards the bedroom. He had always been an amazing boyfriend; running to me at the call of his name, doing whatever I needed him to do in an instant but since I was pregnant he was acting even more like an obedient puppy- which was kind of cute and funny in a way.

"What is it, honey?" He asked as he barged into the bedroom dressed in his navy suit and patterned shirt.

"Don't laugh" I started and he smirked. "But I really need you to paint my toes for me. They just look disgusting."

"You're right, they do." He laughed and I gasped.


"I'm kidding, but of course I'll paint your toes." He laughed. He reached for a nude nail polish which was resting on my vanity table before pulling up the stool to the edge of the bed and placing my foot on his lap.

He carefully pulled out the brush, wiped off the excess and carefully painted each toe. He would occasionally look up from what he was doing, notice me staring at him, blush, smile and drop his head.

"Done." He announced as he screwed the lid on and blew onto my toes.


"Darling, you called?" Shawn said as he strolled into the ensuite of our bedroom.

"Yeah, would you tan my back for me?" He nodded and took out a rubber glove and pulled it onto his hand before taking the tanning mitt of me and placing it on his hand. He then reached for the tanning mousse, pumped it a few times and started to apply the tan in circular motions to my back.

"Aren't I just boyfriend goals." He said placing the plastic glove into the bin once he had finished.

"You sure are." I mumbled as I placed a kiss on to his lips.

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