79- Skating

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I tied the laces of my ice skates before getting up and heading to the rink. I instantly tugged at me jacket and fixed my figure skating uniform before staring to skate around the rink to warm up.

There were a few boys training for ice hockey and they skated in a circle with their sticks. I noticed one in particular he was really cute, brunette hair and brown eyes. I instantly felt the urge to impress him as I felt his eyes burn holes in the back of my head. I quickly performed a simple toe loop landing in arabesque. He smiled and his friends started to tease him.

I brushed it off and continued to skate around until your coach, Linda came on to the ice. Before I knew it, the boys were sent to warm up and one was heading right at me. We were both travelling at an equally fast speed therefore it seemed almost impossible for us to stop.

We crashed into each other and I some how ended up on the floor underneath him. He quickly scrambled to his feet but instantly fell back down, his arms locking me into a small space. His eyes brows holes into mine and instantly felt insecure.

"Have I got something on my face?" I stuttered as I brought my hand up to my face and started wiping it away vigorously.

"No, sorry- you're really pretty- no sorry, you're not. Wait, you are but- I'm weird, sorry." He gushed almost too quickly for me to absorb anything he just said. "Sorry" he repeated once he was calmer. He quickly got off me and got his balance before extending his hand out and pulling me up onto my feet.

Everyone was stood staring at us and my cheeks heated up. He skated a head and the back of his jersey was labelled 'Mendes 98' I quickly followed behind and Linda had now officially stepped onto the rink.

Once I reached her she shook her head at Shawn and he shrugged sending her a sheepish smile and heading back to his coach,Tony- who happened to be Linda's husband.

"He's a nice boy that Mendes" she chuckled "a bit clumsy but he is an amazing player"

"I can tell" I giggled stealing a glance at him and he sent me a wink. "He called me pretty" I blushed and she smiled raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"I see." I chuckled and she listed a bunch of techniques and skills that she wanted me to demonstrate for her.


I packed up my skates and stuff and shoved them into my bag before slipping my coat on and heading to the door to begin my journey home. I didn't live far maybe about 10 minutes away so I decided to walk instead of ringing my mom.

"Hey!" My head snapped to the jeep which was rolling alongside the path. The boy from before was hanging out of the window and was smiling at me. I pulled my bag onto my shoulder a bit more and walked over to the car.

"Hey" I smiled at him.

"You need a ride?" He asked. "It's the least I can do for flattening you, I'm real clumsy sometimes" he chuckled to himself.

"So I've been told." I smirked.

"Did Linda say that?" He questioned. I nodded and he rolled his eyes. "Jump in." I walked around to the other side of his car and hopped into the passenger seat. I slipped on my seatbelt and told him the directions to my house.

"y/n" he turned his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "My name is y/n"

"Oh" he drawled out. "I'm Shawn, nice to meet you" I shook his hand and he continued the short drive.

The drive to my house was quiet apart from the soft mumbles which were coming from Shawn's lips as he sang along to the words of the overly played pop song which was coming through the speakers. Shawn finally spoke up once we reached my house. I pushed open the door and thanked Shawn before rooting through my bag for my keys.

"Hey" Shawn called out again. "I'm sorry if the drive was a little awkward it's not often that I have a girl in my car, well a girl as pretty as you anyway" I giggled slightly. "but I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me sometime? It's okay if you don't. I know we just met but-"

"Shawn, you panic and mumble too much" I smiled gently, a sigh left his lips "and I'm only with that but I would live to go on a date with you" a large grin appeared in his face once those words left my mouth.

"Great! Dinner and a movie?"

"Dinner and a movie" I nodded and he grinned again. We bid each other goodbye before he drove off down the road leaving me to skip to my house all happy and positive.

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