36- paper aeroplanes

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I repeatedly tapped my pen on the edge of the desk trying to ignore Shawn who has been trying to distract me for 30 minutes.  The distractions had ranged from pencils flying at my head to him shouting my name in a stupid voice. I ignored him in hopes he would stop; which he didn't.

A small tap hit against the back of my head causing me to turn around to find a small paper airplane on the floor besides me. I picked up it immediately know whom it had come from and I turned to Shawn and he just looked like a weirdo pulling stupid faces and winking.

I chuckled a little before mouthing cuss words at him. He smirked.

"Miss y/n" my teacher Mr Elliot called "would you like to explain why you are disturbing my class?" I started to stutter a little. "I don't want to her it, grab you bags and get out of my classroom please" I rolled my eyes before grabbing my bag.

"It was me! I distracted her so it's my fault not hers."

"Well thank you mr Mendes for your view on the story so you can leave as well, both of you out." We both chuckled and walked out Shawn hitting me with his shoulder as he walked past causing me to chase him a little.

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