112- Take A Bullet For You

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I rocked gently in the chair as I waited anxiously in the waiting room

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I rocked gently in the chair as I waited anxiously in the waiting room. It had been 3 hours since the incident and I was scared. The sound of heels clicked against the cold, hard floor and a slime women appeared holding a clip board.

"Excuse me, but do you know we're there's a boy. He got shot and I was wondering if I could, erm, visit him?" I asked twiddling my thumbs and messing around with my fingers.

"Does he know you?"  She asked as she flipped through the pages.

"No, um, I don't know him either. He took a bullet for me." I said my face in a concerned state.

"Oh, I guess I can take you to see him. What's your name sweetie?"

"y/n" she nodded and directed me to the room. She reached for the handle and pushed open the door. The slight creaking sound alerted his attention and he looked over at me. A small smile lifting onto his face. I froze. Every emotion instantly swarmed me and I broke down at the sight of his connected to all the tubes and oxygen machines.

He furrowed his eyebrows and the nurse left.

"Don't cry" he voice was frail and fragile almost as fragile as him and I walked over shutting the door behind me. "Why are you crying?"

"Because I'm the one who put you in that position. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even be anywhere near a hospital right now. I'm sorry." I rushed over to his bed and he reached out his hand and I intertwined it together.

"It's hardly your fault. You didn't make it happen." I nodded. "I'm Shawn, by the way." I wiped my eyes with my spare hand.

"Y/n" he smiled.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I blushed immensely and he chuckled.

"Stop it!" I whined and he chuckled. Considering he was hooked up to all those machines he wouldn't give it a rest in the compliments and the teasing and between those we learned a lot about each other. Like how he plays guitar and piano as well as singing, he's allergic to dogs but had a cat and he has a little sister.

The door swung open and a nurse wearing blue scrubs came into his room.

"Hey guys, Miss y/l/n, your parents are here and Shawn yours are on their way." I nodded and retrieved my bags as she left.

"Shawn, thank you" I know I have probably said it a thousand times to day but I really do mean it. You jumped in front a bullet for me and you didn't even know me." He smiled.

"It's cool honestly. Just promise me one thing, you'll visit me every nigh that I'm here."

"Of course" I smiled and he smiled back at me. I bent down and hugged him and he weakly wrapped his arms around my body.

Sunday 17th October

I walked into the room and Shawn was laying in his bed scrolling on his phone. He looked up and smiled.

"You came!"

"I promised"

Monday 18th October

"You're back! How was school?"

"The usual, how's your side?"

"Good" he flashed me another smile and I blushed slightly.

Tuesday 19th October

"Hopefully we'll have you discharged by Friday. You're doing really well especially with the help of your girlfriend by your side" the doctor said as he flipped a piece of paper over the back of his clipboard.

"Oh, we're not dating" we both mumbled.

Wednesday 20th October

"How can you eat mustard out of the bottle?" I grimaced as he squirted more on to his sandwich.

"It's nice."

"That's rank."

Thursday 21st October

"Eye spy with my little eye something beginning with H" I glanced around the room.

"Heart monitor" he shook, no. "Helicopter" he shook his head again. "H? Really?" He nodded. "Ugh!" I groaned. There was hardly anything in the room which starts switch the letter h. "I give up."

"Hottie" he beamed.


"You. You're a hottie." I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Throughout the past week or so it was obvious that Shawn was attracted to me due to his insane amount of compliments and obvious flirting techniques.

"Your such as flirt, Mendes" I chuckled and he winked.

"Only for you, babe" his words naked butterflies erupt in my stomach and I giggled. My cheeks flushed and the room suddenly got hot.

Friday 22nd October

"Are you sure you have everything?" I asked and he groaned.

"Yes mother."

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just give me attitude" Karen said as I bent down to pick up the remaining bags. "

Now, come on. Let's get out of here. I can't bare to stay here any longer" We nodded and his dad grabbed his bags whilst I pushed his wheel chair. I ran down the corridor and he was laughing as was I.

"Please don't injury my little solider anymore" Karen shouted laughing. I turned around and flashed Karen a sweet, innocent smile before pushing him into the elevator and then out of the double doors.

I had become closer to the whole Mendes family, it's strange to think that a tragedy has brought a group of people all together and formed an amazing bond. During my time visiting Shawn constantly, I have grown to love the Mendes' as if they were my second family.

"y/n, are you listening?" Shawn asked.

"What?" I mumbled. He was stood up out of his wheelchair and was towering over me.

"Your dad is over there" I nodded. He pulled me into a hug. A tight hug. My arms wrapped around his waist and he pressed a kiss on top of my head. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Thank you, thank you for everything"

"It was worth it, I got to see your pretty little face every day" I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest.

"My dads probably wishing, I have to go." I picked up my backpack from the handles of the wheelchair before waving to my dad. "Bye Shawn" he waved. "Bye Karen, Manny, Liyah" I Hollands as they were placing things in the car.

I rushed off towards the car and threw my bags in the trunk. I opened the door and stepped on foot in, send Shawn one last wave.

"Wait! y/n" I snapped my head back to Shawn and he was walking towards me, slowly. "I don't want this to be the last time I see you. You always want to find a way to repay me and I also say it doesn't matter but please, will you go on a date with me?"

"I though you'd never ask" I grinned, my cheeks blushing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed a kiss against his lips.


Is this cliche or is this cliche?

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