180- Favour

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"y/n, please" Shawn whined as he followed me up the staircase. I reached the bathroom and slammed the door in his face; the tears falling freely from my eyes.

I let out a cry and sat down, my back resting against the bath and my legs tucked to my chest as my head resting against my knees.

"Sweetheart, please. Open up, let me explain."

"Why? You're just going to lie to me again."

"Please, just let me explain." He whispered which was almost slightly inaudible.

"Everything was a lie." I whispered to myself but Shawn heard and let out a sigh as he simultaneously started knocking gently on the door.

I sniffled and pushed myself up, making my way over to the door and opening up. Shawn was jumped up from the bed and rushed over to me; taking my face in his hands.

"Oh, sweetie." He wiped away the trails of tears with his thumbs and pressed a kiss against my forehead. "I'm sorry."

I nodded.

"Please say something."

"Explain." Was all I muttered and he nodded. Taking a hold of my hand, he guided me to the bed and sat me down besides his previous position.

My heart was yearning for his touch, his comfort but I was weary of whether it was genuine or not. His hand interwinded with mine but I pulled it away and rested it on my thigh.

"I'm gonna start from the beginning, okay. Pay attention." I nodded. "When Lauren got with Ian and Alissa got with Brian, you were the only one of the three of you not in a relationship; and they noticed you started to change. You weren't yourself, you would hardly ever hang out and you were down. It was almost as if your confidence and self-esteem had just disappeared."

He paused and looked out of the window. His fingers fiddled together as he watched the rain dribble down the window and drop off onto the floor below.

"So, that's why Lauren and Ian rang me and asked me to do them a 'favour'. And that favour was to take you out on a date so you'd be happier that a boy was taking an interest in you. Trust me, I- we didn't mean to hurt you."

"But you did," I countered.

"I know, just listen. Remember the first time we met; we went on a date and I took you for ice cream and we walked along the beach, hand in hand."

"Yes" I said with the faintest smile as I recalled that night.

"And then I kissed you under the stars." It was his turn to smile. "Well, that was the night I decided I didn't want to spend my time with anyone else but you. All I wanted was to walk along the beach with you for the rest of my life, all I wanted was for you to wake up in my arms in my morning and kiss me even with morning breath; and I still want that. I love you y/n, I really do. And all it took was one night to realise I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Do you mean it?"

"Of course I mean it. I wouldn't still be with you now if I didn't." He let out a little laugh. "You, my dear, are the most precious thing to me. I love you."

I looked at him and closed my eyes. His hand gently slipped into mine and clutched my fingers as if they would slip away any money.

"I love you too."

I didn't know how to end this so it's shit.

Anyway I started college today and I also started my period, which let me tell you, is not the best thing. Being a dancer in your period is hard work:

Firstly, you want to eat every possible sugary, fatty piece of food you can find.

Secondly, you look even fatter in a leotard than usual so I look like a fat muffin.

Thirdly, your boobs hurt when you do allegro or any kinds of jumping.

And finally, the cramps and sit ups DO NOT mix well.

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