108- Coffee

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It was a pretty slow day for an A&E department which I guess is good but when you want first hand experience, not the best. I sat behind the nursing station stuffing my face with a few biscuits and chocolates.

Suddenly, a loud siren erupted through the department and the emergency phone began to ring. Nurses rushed to stations and doors were being busted open. I jumped from the chair and sprinted towards the ambulance drop off.

A stretcher was wheeled from the back of an ambulance with a lifeless girl, wrapped in a blanket on it. Paramedics were soothing her as they rushed her through the automatic doors.

"13 year old, female, Aaliyah Mendes, she was in a car accident on the way home from a friends house" the paramedic said to me as she handed me the clip board. I nodded and continued to follow. "Family was informed at the scene but only her brother is around as of now." I nodded before flipping over the page and signing the signature box. I took the Roma and handed him back the clipboard before following the tour back to A&E.

"Was that my sister?" A frail voice hiccuped. I turned my attention to see a brunette boy slumped over in the corner. His eyes were burning into mine pleading for an answer. I nodded. He collapsed into his hands and he shook as the sobs escaped his mouth. I sighed and I moved my way over sitting in the chair next to him. I placed my hand on his back and waited for him to calm a little.

"She'll be fine," I cooed. "The people in there are the most amazing people you'll ever meet. They will care for her and she will walk out of those hospital doors quicker than you can say blueberry muffins." He raised his head a little and chuckled.

"Those are my favourite" I smiled slightly.

"Listen, you should probably go home for a while, you won't be able to see her until a few hours so go get some rest-"

"I can't leave her here." I nodded. He sighed. "I can't lose her, she's my little sister. I love her more than anything." Tears welled up in his eyes again.

The sound of his heartbreaking was echoing through my mind. I couldn't stand to see him like this, anyone for that matter. This was my job and I would see it all the time but I sympathised him. I checked the clock that was hanging above the reception.

"Listen, i probably shouldn't do this but I finish my shift in 5 minutes. I can take you to get some coffee and a muffin if you like. Then we can come back and see how she's doing." He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair.

I jumped up from the seat as another stretcher came rolling in and I followed them in quickly glancing back at the boy who was watching me intently. I sent him soft smile and he mimicked my expression.

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