175- Morning After

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I stretched out my long limbs and ran my hands over the cool, white sheets; which I soon realised weren't mine.

I jumped up and frantically looked around the room for my clothes; unable to find them, I let out a frustrated groan, grabbed my phone and ran into the bathroom making sure to lock the door after me.

I sat on the toilet in nothing but my underwear and dialled my bestfriend, Camilla's number. I held the phone against my ear and tapped my foot impatiently. Straight to voicemail- GREAT!
I then started to text her.


Please answer your phone! I nee-

"You alright in there?" I froze. God, even his voice is attractive.

"Um, yeah. I'll be out now."

"Okay, cool." There was quiet for a moment. "Um, I left one of my t-shirts outside the door. Your dress had red wine on it so I threw it in the laundry, it was a nice dress and I didn't want it ruined." He chuckled slightly and I smiled. "I hope you don't mind."

"No, that's fine. Thank you." I placed my hand on the door handle and slowly tugged the door open. He was stood in just his boxers. My heart plummeted. Fuck, he was hot. He admired my body which was covered in the same lace underwear I wore last night as his bottom lip tugged in between his teeth and his chest started to rise and fall more distinctly.

I lowered my head and picked up the shirt.

"I- uh- I'll be downstairs in the kitchen, if you need anything." He flustered as he used his right hand to run the back of his neck. I nodded and he swiftly turned and ran out the room.

Once I had freshened up, I pulled his t-shirt over my body. It was soft against my skin and his boyish smell was laced with the material of the shirt. It was slightly large on me and rested halfway between my knees and hip, covering everything that needed to be covered.

I took a moment to recollect my thoughts. One, there is an extremely hot man in the kitchen, two, I'm wearing his t-shirt, three, I slept with him; in every possible meaning to this phrase.

I made my way downstairs moments after my short pep-talk and into the kitchen. He was leaned against the island with his fingers running against his jawline, still half naked- may I add, and staring intensely at a bowl of pancake batter, which didn't look so much like pancake batter.

"You okay?" I asked softly, a small giggle escaping my lips.

"Yeah, I- um- I was trying to make us pancakes but I'm an awful cook. Sorry." He blushed as his eyes trailed down my legs again. I tugged the shirt down further and he gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing, as his eyes met mine again. His eyes were like chocolate- I love chocolate.

"Oh, let me help. I'll have you know I'm great at making pancakes" I boasted, completely lying out my ass.

"Is that so?"


"Okay then" he started. "You can show me."

I emptied the sloppy contents out of the bowl into a trashcan before re-washing my hands and helping Shawn- I think his name was Shawn- with the measuring out of ingredients. I then mixed the contents with Shawn stood directly behind me. My back was millimetres away from his abs and his breath was warm against my neck but I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being this close to him.

We then separated the mix into portions and started to fry the pancakes on the stove. The first couple burned, or got stuck to the frying pan which resulted in them being tossed away but once we got the hang of frying them, they started to turn out good.

I slipped a few onto his plate and some onto mine before placing them in front of the two seats on the island whilst Shawn finished chopping strawberries and gathering cutlery and water.

"Shawn!" I laughed as he turned around. His face surprised, that I called out his name but I continued to laugh at the Nutella smeared against his left cheek. "You have Nutella all over your cheek."

"I know, I put it there" he tried to play off smoothly.

"Yeah, okay." He let out a laugh and we both chuckled away as I reached up to remove it from his face. As I did so, his arm wrapped around my waist securing me against him as I balanced on my tiptoes to reach his height.

The closeness in proximity made my heart skip a beat. It was different than the feelings last night. Last night I felt nothing more than lust and attraction but now, I found myself wanting to spend more time with him, wanting to get to know him, find out how he likes his eggs in the morning or what tv series he's watching and can I watch them with him. And I couldn't stop the fast pace beating of my heart as he started to lean lower towards me and I connected my lips to his halfway.

My hands rested against his cheeks as his other hand fell to my waist and pulled me even closer to him. Our lips moved passionately slow against each other's as we savoured the moment as if it was the first and last time we had ever or will ever kiss. Reluctantly, I pulled away and caressed his cheekbone as my other hand ran along his jawline.

"I don't know if I said it last night, but y/n, you are so beautiful." His eyes bored into mine and his eyelashes feathered gently over his cheeks as he blinked.

"Thank you" I blushed. His fingers tucked some hair behind my ear and continued their journey through my loose strands of hair. His face still extremely close to mine.

He pressed another quick kiss against my lips. "Shall we eat?" I nodded and we took our seats at the table. I took one bite and turned to look at Shawn. "Shall we go out to eat?"


a/n: I FUCKING LOVE THIS. I hope you do as well, I just though it was sweet and different to the usual stereotypical of a 'one night stand' imagine! Let me know what you think xoxo

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