145- From The Park to the Emerengcy Room

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Shawn and I soaked up the hot, august sun as we sat on the picnic table at the nearby play area. My 4-year-old niece, Lilian, was off playing near the climbing frame with some friends she had made. I handed Shawn a packet of chips and took one for myself before placing the generic, wicker basket on the floor next to the table.

Suddenly, an ear-wrenching scream echoed throughout the play area. A very familiar, ear-wrenching scream. I shot up from my seat and sprinted over to the climbing frame, Shawn following close behind me. Lilian lay screaming in pain on the floor with blood pouring out the back of her head. Her arm; looked somewhat out of shape and her forehead was rapidly starting to bruise.

All eyes were on us and a crowd of worried parents crowded us. Shawn quickly scooped her up in his arms and the tears started to rush out of my eyes. Panic started to set in my body and a feeling of nausea radiated throughout me. I followed behind.

Once we reached Shawn's Jeep, I jumped into the backseat and Shawn placed her into my arms as I cradled her. I grabbed a blanket from the other side of the car and wrapped it around her and grabbed one of Shawn's gym towels to press against the back of her head to reduce the blood loss. Small whimpers left my mouth as I cuddled her closer and whispered soothing words to her which didn't help nigh due to the fact she was still screaming crying.

Shawn drove quickly to the closest emergency department, which seemed to take forever, but as soon as we arrived Lilian was taken from my arms and placed on a stretcher where she was wheeled away from Shawn and I.

"I'm such a bad auntie." I cried. Shawn shook his head and pulled me into this chest. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and kissed my head.

"No, no, no. You're not a bad auntie at all. Accidents happen." I shook my head. "She a child, children fall and hurt themselves all the time. She will be okay, I promise you and you know I would never make a promise that I couldn't keep."

"B-but I should have been watching her."

"Yeah, okay, maybe we could've looked after her a little better but Lilian falling and hurting herself is inevitable-"

"Oh God, what is y/sisters/n gonna say? She's never gonna let me look after her children ever again. I'm going to be such a bad mothe-"

"You stop right there." He said firmly. "One, the worst possible outcome is that y/sisters/n might be angry for a little while but she isn't going to stop you from seeing the children, two, like is said; accidents happen and three, you are going to be the best, damn mother there will ever be. Because you know what?"


"You're beautiful, intelligent, caring, sweet, loving, do you want me to carry on?" I chuckled slightly.

"Maybe just a little" I smiled shyly and he let out a laugh.

"Funny, amazing, most gorgeous person I have ever laid eyes on and I wouldn't want anybody else but you raising my children." He leaned his forehead against mine and caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"Really?" He nodded. I sniffles and brought my hands up to my eyes to wipe my tears.

"I love you." He muttered.

"I love you too."

Shawn pressed a kiss onto my forehead before taking a hold of my hand and leading me to the relatives room where the doctors said we could wait. I sat next to him, his arm resting in the back of chair and his hand was rested on my shoulder whilst I lay my head on his chest.

I rang y/sisters/n and explained everything that had happened, she was shocked to say the least but she wasn't mad. She stated that she would be at the hospital in about an hour and to tell Lilian that she loves her.

As we waited Shawn played with my fingers as the laced with his which were still balanced on my shoulder. I door opened and the doctor walked in with a smile on his face. Shawn and I both sat up straighter.

"Are you 'auntie y/nickname'?" He asked mimicking what Lilian calls me. A small smile lifted on my face. 

"I am."

"Lilian is doing just fine, she had dislocate her elbow which we have moved back into place and put in a cast and she has had 7 stitches to the back of her head." I nodded. "But, she's happy and cheery- mainly because she slightly drugged up on local anaesthetic- but she said she wants to show you and Shawnie her pink cast." He laughed lightly.

A sigh of relief left my lips and he left the room. I stood up and wiped my sweaty hands.

"and now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needing stitches-"

"Don't!" I warned playfully. He winked and intertwined our fingers. He brought our joined hands to his lips and he pressed a kiss onto my knuckles before we headed to see Lilian.

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