4. Should I?

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"HEEYYY GURL!" My best guy friend Clayton nudges my shoulder. He's like my little, short, gay friend, except he's not gay....

"Clayton, I'm not really in the mood..." I burry my head in my hands.

"Why?" He asks, and then the memories of last night play over in my head.



Later that night when I openied the door, I was greeted by two very angry parents.

"Where were you last night?" My dad said as I gently closed the door behind me.

"Out." I whispered under my breath.

"Out where?"

"At a friends." I look my dad in the eyes.

"Was it Rein honey?" My mom said softly as she stood beside my dad.

"Yeah, I guess..." I walked past my parents and down the hallway to where my room is.

'What do you mean, yeah I guess?" My dad followed close behind me.

"I mean, yeah I guess she's my friend even though she secretly hates me!" I slam my door shut from behind me and crash onto my bed, seconds later my mom and dad come rushing in after.

"Oh sweet heart!" My dad strokes my hair soothingly.

'What happened deer?" My mom chimes in. I bury my head deeper into my sheets and in hale the fresh sent. All yesterday I had gone without thinking about stupid Rein! But now that's all that comes to my mind!

"Please, just stop with the baby names and leave me alone!" Once I had said what I said, I immediately wanted to take it back. I knew what was going to happen next so I braced myself, except they did something totally unexpected.

"I get it... We'll let you have your space." And I hear their footsteps as they exit my room. I lift my head up from the sheets and look at the time on my phone. Lovely... Time to go to school...



"Everybody shut up and sit in your seats!" Mr. Parker yells with rage which makes me flinch and sit down as fast as I can.

"Today we are going to go over our Chemistry notes from Friday." With Mr. Parker's instructions I immediately take out my notes but stop when I hear two of the most annoying girls in our school ever.

"OMG! Did you know that the Best Song Ever music video comes out today?" I turn around to see Tiffany and Georgie blabbering about the hottest new gossip. I start to block them out but I can't when the come upon the name Zayn Malik.

"Wait?! What?!" I turn around to face the two.

"Zayn Malik is like so sexy I could die!" Tiffany exaggerates as she flicks her blond hair off her shoulder.

"I know right! Like I've lived here my hole life and have I ever seen a sign of him once? No, but I'd do anything to see that gorgeous guy any day." Georgie says in all honesty, and I knew she meant it too.

"Hey guys."

"Yeah?" The both said at once.

"Can you keep a secret?" I lowered the tone in my voice. They both nodded which made me laugh before finishing off what I was going to tell. "Ok, so that Zayn Malik guy lives around here right?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Yup. Girl where you been?"

"Whatever. Do you know about the summer dance thingy tonight?" They both again nodded to let me continue. "Does anybody ever go?"

"Well, I've never gotten in because apparently I'm not popular enough but-" I cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "That's great..." I murmured. I'm not even close to being popular anymore after my boyfriend dumped me on Friday... I lost everything...

"Emma! Your so stupid!" Except Clayton.

"Clay! I know!" I smile to him wide. This is why Clayton and I stay best friends after all that's happened through the past couple months.


It was last period and so far I had gone all day with out seeing those three faces I despritly hate with a passion till now.

"Where were you last night?" Rein comes up behind me and whispers into my ear. Shivers run up my spine as she speaks.

"Le-leave me alone Rein." I stutter.

"Your so pathetic! Just like Jordan." She points over to my ex. Instead of fighting back, I walk away and completely ignore her. What honestly would have happened if Zayn hidden have saved me that night? Would I drown? Would she find me and finish off what she had started? A million possibilities came to mind. Anything could've happened...

"Hey Emma, look! I made another abusive mother comic!" Clayton holds up a paper with a drawling of a mom putting a baby in a blender.

"Beautiful..." I say full of sarcasm. See, Clayton makes these things called abusive mother comics. There drawings of a mother physically abusing her baby, simple as that. It may seem really awful and sick but there actually so funny that our teacher even laughs at them.

"Soooo! You going to the summer dance tonight?" Clayton pushes his glasses up on his nose.

"Clay, you know I can't dance."

"And you're not popular either! Yup, they tots won't let you in..."

"Thanks..." I laugh at his rude comment. "Anyway, do you wanna go to Steak-n-Shake tonight?"

"Heck yeah girl! Whoever spots a grandpa with a SnapBack on gets a free chocolate milkshake payed by the person that lost!" Clayton practically falls out of his chair trying to name all the things were planing to do tonight while everyone Popular are at that stupid summer dance.

"Your on short stuff!" I point a finger at his chest which makes him raise his eyebrows really high. "What?" I ask worried.

"Nothing..." He hides his face behind one of his Pokemon folders.

"Nononono! Tell me now!" I grab onto one of his hair follicles which makes him squeal super high.

 "I like Adrianna..." He finally says.

 "CLAYTON LIKES STRWABERRY BLOND!" I scream which makes everyone look our way.

 "Ooops..." I whisper.


Later that night Clayton and I went to Steak-N-Shake and when we were walking out I could of swore I saw jet black hair walking my way.

 "Emmaliese, is that you?"


A/N~ I.AM.SO.MAD!!! RAHHH! I had to re-write this chapter cuz stupid Wattpad deleted it.......... Just wow. I bet a lot of people were confused....

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