36. Who Sent The Flowers?

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"You sent her flowers?!" I growled at Zayn, pushing at the chair he was sat in. Zayn turned around with an unreadable expression on his face. I couldn't tell if he where angry or just plain cocky.

The move I pulled was jerkie, but there was a perfectly good explanation for all of it. His plan was not going to fool me more than it already has. I've played the nice guy for too long. Now it was time to get some answers, or more like get even.

 "Pff! What are you talking about Harry? Just calm down, go upstairs, get dressed for the party tonight, and after we can talk about whatever it is that your blaming me for." He puts his hands out in front of him in surrender.

 "No." I state firmly. "Were going to talk about it now." Zayn lets out a long sigh before walking over to my side.

 "I don't know what you want me to confess mate." The more he denied, the more my anger got to me. I don't think I've ever been so mad in my whole life! Is this what love does to people? Turn them into angry monsters until they get what they want? No, I'm not like that... Nor am I in love either..

 "Emmaliese told me that you left flowers on her doorstep with a note." I say in a much calmer tone then before. Zayn stays silent for a while and I'm considering the fact that he did send her the flowers but for some reason doesn't want to confess to me.

 "Mate I didn't send any flowers. I have no idea in bloody heck why she told you that." Something fills inside of my body. It makes me sweat and shake at the same exact time.


 "Cross my heart and hope to die." Now I believe him. The feeling that I have gotten now is pure guilt. I look down at the floor and scrunch my forehead together in thought. If Zayn didn't send those flowers, then who did?

 "I'm so sorry Zayn." I say in frustration at myself. Here I am, blaming one of my best lads when he wasn't even the one to send the flowers.

 "It's alright Harry. I know how you feel about her. I also know that I would never try anything with Emma unless you said it was alright. I know I've been a jerk lately and-" He stops to bang his fist against the wall before continuing. "Gosh Harry! I know that she can open up to you more than she can me because of a stupid mistake that I made!"

I don't think I've ever seen Zayn cry before, because he doesn't cry. But this time, I hit a soft spot. I knew the one thing that could tare my best lad down to a piece of worthless trash. It was simply just a girl to me that I crushed on sense day one. To Zayn she was his rock. She was the only girl that could keep him fighting for her even after what he had done.

It was way different from the situation with Perrie because well, he eventually let her go. Sure it took time, but with Emmaliese I knew that he would stop at nothing. For bloody sake's! The freaking party he planned for her!

 "I have to go." I mutter to the broken Zayn with the red eye's. Rushing as fast as I could, I went out the front door and ran all the way down the board walk to set things straight once and for all.

I was going to get Emma and Zayn back together.



"Your taking me to Steak-N-Shake?!" I tilted my head up to see the big light-up sign and laughed. If you don't remember, Clayton and I have been going to Steak-N-Shake together for years! Even though we had gone here a lot in the past didn't mean that I ever got tired of it. In fact, I was pretty excited to have one of their famous chocolate chip shakes again. 

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