29. So Confusing

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"Hurry up you slow pokes! We have to start recording in twenty minutes!" Zayn hollered from inside the back seat of the car. Niall and I both finished off the last of the Cheetos before following after the Bradford Bad Boi.

"Do you maybe want to come with us?" Niall asked shyly as he opened my side of the door. Peering into his ocean blue eyes, I shrugged and got in the passengers side. The whole car ride I couldn't stop thinking about the memories I had back at the hospital. If you need a refresher, lets just say that Niall and I had our first kiss there.

Bleh! Is it bad that I kind of want Niall to kiss me again? Cuz his lips taste like fried chicken...and he's so yummy!!

"UHM Niall?" I shyly said, looking out of the window at the trees that seemed to blur past us.

"Yeah babe?"

"I just want the taste that your lips allow," I sang the lyrics to Ed Sheeran's song softly. Without even expecting it he then pounced on me like a puma and attacked me in a hungry kiss. The car was still driving even though he was in my seat and no one was driving...

"Mhm," he said as he pulled back. "Your lip had a piece of chicken on it, so i just had to get it off for you," He mumbled against my skin. I blushed a deep shade of red and thought to myself.

When in heck was the last time I ate chicken?

He then leaned back and started driving again to the recording studio and I reached over, petted his hair like he was a dog, and smiled like crazy. This was one interesting day.

"Uhmm guys?!" Zayn asked from the back seat.

HOLY CANOLI! I totes forgot that he was in here!

"Yeahhh?" Niall held out his word questioningly. Embarrassed as ever, I buried my face in my hands and groaned.

"Please tell me I'm high." He mutters from the back seat. I lift my head up slightly to see Niall's flushed face and a flash of our kiss played over and over again in my head. No matter how many times I told myself I despised guys, I just couldn't let this one go.

"Your high." Niall chuckles and I can tell he's having a hard time trying to focus on the road by the shaking of his hands on the steering wheel. And let me say those three simple words that tell you how I felt right at this moment.




Chance and I waited outside of Olive Garden for this 'Georgie' girl he fancies. After our serious talk in the car it turned out that she had called him and said that she'd drive there herself. I have to admit that I honestly was curious about who this girl is going to be. All I pray for is that its not some... sorry for my negatives, but some hickey slut off the street. Chance deserves much, much better.

"Chance!" A girl in the distance of the parking lot wearing a pretty blue sweater and black jean shorts waves over at us. As she comes closer over, I began to notice that I know this girl.

Georgie? The one that was in my English class with her friend Tiffany that always obsessed over One Direction. I thought and laughed as I tried to picture her face if she ever found out that I personally know them all.

"Hey!" Chance kindly smiled and pulled her into a short and sweet hug. Okayyy.. I sort of approve of them as a couple.

Suddenly, Georgie focuses her eyes on me and her jaw drops open in shock.

"You're'r the girl from my English class!" I nod and grin as she pulls me into an unexpected hug.

"You two know each other!?" Chance asked, pointing back and forth at the both of us.

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