11. Going Insane

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 "Hey! Uh, Niall." I said waving towards his direction.

 "What up?" He sent a smile in my direction making me blush a little. Ok, ok, he was absolutely adorable but I have my eye's set on Dylan O'brian. Seriously, he is like the hottest guy to walk the earth! Plus he's on Teen Wolf and the Internship so that makes it double the hottness.

 "Just eating some ice cream." I point out the obvious. Just as I turn to the side, my ice cream topples all over Zayn's shirt. I gasp, covering my mouth as I  take a giant step back.

Shooty shoot shoot shoot! Just drop the cone and get the freak out of here!

 "I'm so sorry." I say with a hand still over my mouth.

 "It's alright Emma. I was just going to ask if I could have some anyways." He chuckled while taking the cake cone out from my grasp. I'm such a moron...

 "So, what brings you here lad?" I hear Louis ask from behind me and I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

 "Long story but, I saved this girls life and she wants to repay me tonight by ordering pizza!" He replies excitedly. Meanwhile, I'm still yelling at myself for my dang ice cream incident!

 "Who is this girl you saved?" Liam buds in.

 "Her name is Jack. She's absolutely amazing and the thing is she's a little bit of a tomboy." Hey, that's funny! I know a girl named Jack that's a tomboy as well. What a small world after all....

 "Oo! I thought you liked girly girls?!" Harry says in a teasing way.

 "That's the thing, she's completely different and I kinda like it. I'm not saying I'm in love with her or anything but I do fancy her just a bit."  Niall fancy's someone? There goes my chance...

 "Well I'm glad you fancy someone Ni." Zayn laughs as he  wipes up the ice cream with a napkin."By the way, how do you know my friend Emmaliese?"

"I kinda saved her from getting hit by my car." I turn around quickly to face the boys.

 "Really? Emma, why were you in the middle of the road?" Zayn asks curiously.

 "Haha, long story.." I say nervously, trying to dodge the question. After all, I did not even want to start thinking about that prissy chick who tried to ruin my life.

 Looking over to face Harry, I can still spot out the place where she had punched him square in the mouth. Poor Curly...

 "Just tell us love." Harry says quietly.

 I sigh loudly before finishing,"I tried to save this girls life but just as I went to help her up, she pulled me down instead and then I was the one in front of Niall's car."

 "Ahh, mkay." Zayn smiles while picking me up and slinging me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

 "AHH! PUT ME DOWNNN!" I yell, pounding my fists onto his rock solid back. (You could totally tell  he works out.)

 "Your alive and well! So you must come and join us for a movie night." I could literally sense him smirking, me knowing that there wasn't anyway of backing down to this demand.

 "Can Jack come too?" Niall ask's, making us turn around. I was still slumped over his shoulder so I decided to use some of my ninja skills.

 "Uh, sure-"

 "HEEEYAH!" I cut him off by slapping him on the bum, which results in us both face palming into the sand.

SCORE 705681 for Emmaliese Hayes!

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