15. Katness

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 What the heck? I turn to look at Zayn and he gives me a 'beats me' look. Okay, this is creepy... Neither Zayn or I sneezed.

 Someones in the house. 


 Okay, what would Katness do?

 Bingo! She would volunteer to go first! I thought as I grabbed a broom stick laying behind the sofa.

 "Emmaliese!" Zayn whispers/shouts over at me. I put my pointer finger up to my lips in a shushing way and push my back up against the wall while taking baby steps towards the guest room. The whole time I was making my way down the hall, I kept encouraging myself to be fearless and take down the predators! Or in this case, a stranger.

 Chills ran down my spine at the thought of that word.

 "Emma." I felt Zayn's hand grab onto the broomstick as well. "If your going in, I'm going with you." I smiled at his words before scooting down farther until the hallway split up into the kitchen and the living room.

 Just think like Katness, just think like Katness, just think like Katness.  I repeated over and over in my head. What would Katness do?

 AHA! She would shoot them with her arrows and run away!

 Butttt... I don't have any arrows...

 Poop. I'll just use the broomstick then.

 Just when Zayn and I turn the corner, we spot the intruders hiding underneath my dinning table.

 "AHHH!" I scream loudly when Zayn flips the dinning table over and I chuck my broomstick at the strangers. My heart was beating at a rapid pace and I almost lost my balance when I tripped over a... skateboard?

 Zayn and I both started to fume when we saw Niall, Jack, Clayton, and Perrie all sitting there with horrifying and guilty looks plastered on their faces.

 "Oh my freaking flapjacks. What in thee heck are you guys doing underneath my dinning table?" I tried to keep my cool before I slapped the maple syrup out of all of them.

 "Uh, um, it's a long story." Niall nervously laughs, Zayn narrowing his eyebrows in his direction. How could they do this to us?! Spying is SO not cool!

 "We, I mean Jack and I have to show you something." Niall stood up off the ground while handing Zayn and I a magazine. There wasn't much you could hide about this article because the whole flipping cover is ZAYN AND I HUGGING AND HOLDING HANDS ON THE BEACH!

 Those nasty paparazzi's! How heartless are they? I frown, but when I look up at Zayn his features are blank.

 "I knew this would happen." He mumbled while placing the magazine on the counter top beside us. I watched as Clayton and Perrie tried to run out the back door, but I stopped them by putting the broomstick up against the entrance.

 "Stop right there." I said sternly while looking at the both of them. "What where you two doing in my house?"

 "I-I, uh, was um, just going to say hello but didn't want to disrupt you-"

 "Cut the crap Clay. I know when your lying because the tone in your voice sounds like you just got kicked in the balls."

 "Okay. Perrie and I were going over to your house because my house is infested with pregnant cats alright!" Perrie turns to face Clayton.

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