12. Jealous

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After using the bathroom I walked back into the living room to see... What the?



 Both their heads snapped up to face mine at the same time.

 "Care to explain?" I raised my eyebrows. Now Liam, Louis, Jack, and Niall were all listening. Mostly because I just woke half of them up with my coughs...

 "I'm trying to sleep so this best be important!" Jack shouted into a pillow.

 "I-I- it just happened." Emmaliese tried to answer In the best way possible, but I knew that it did not JUST happen. It was simply because they both obviously have feelings for each other! Why am I even mad about this? Its not even that big of a deal....



 Was Harry.... Jealous? No, that doesn't make any since... Harry's JUST a friend! But maybe that's what I said about Zayn...

 "It getting late so I better get going." I laughed nervously as I got up from the couch and ran as fast as I could to the front door, but Harry beat me to it. "Harry!" I grunted, "Move out the way!"

 "Not until you tell us when your going to see us next!" He grabs both sides of my waist with his arms to hold me back, I struggled against his grip.

 "I don't know?! Maybe next week?"

 "Harry stop." I herd Zayn mumble from behind us but Harry didn't stop. For a second it looked like Harry was going to kiss me because he leaned in and gave me a sympathetic look.

 "Sooner?" Suddenly I had, had enough and just decided to use my ninja moves, or just my women instinct.

 "Never in a million years!" Then I kneed him were the sun don't shine, he feel to his knees and I ran out without another word.


*THE NEXT DAY* (At Steak-n-shake.)  

 "You did what again?!" Clayton asked a second time while trying to hold back his laughter.

 "I KICKED HIM IN THE BALLS! OKAY?" I shouted while covering my hands over my mouth once I had realized what I had just said. Honestly I was completely going insane! One minute I'm thinking about kissing Zayn or about how sorry I was for kicking Harry in his 'man hood'.... Either way, things couldn't have gotten more weirder...

 "How do you spell fetus?"

 Yet maybe they just did...

 "Clay?! What the freak are you talking about?!" I slam the ketchup bottle down on the table which causes the red sauce to slosh out onto my brand.new.white.hollister.t-shirt.


 "Whoa!.. Just asking a question." Clayton put his hands up in defense.

 "Sorry Clay, I'm just out of it today." I said while wiping the ketchup off of my shirt with a napkin.

 "I can tell... Oh! And that Zaid guy you danced with that one night is now single." He said, taking a bite out of his burger. I know that hearing Zayn is single should be music to my ears (since I sorta kissed him and everything) but, its not. After all, Zayn really liked Perrie and for her to go off and cheat on him was just beyond terrible.  

 "Yeah I know..." I looked down at my folded hands thinking about the kiss that me and Zayn had shared. I know this might sound a little crazy but I actually enjoyed our kiss, maybe I'm falling for this popstar..

 "Perrie's the one who cheated on Zaid. Right?" Clay asked as he twiddled his thumbs.

 "First off his name is Zayn and-" I stopped for a second before continuing,"Why are you so interested about popstar drama anyway?" His head snapped up to face mine quickly as he laughed nervously. Whats up with him? Must be something in his chocolate milkshake.

 "It's just cuz... I-it- was just a-" He struggled to speak.

 "Clayyyy?... Did you have something to do with their relationship?"  I rose my eyebrows up at him.

 "It-I just-"

 "CLAY! What did you do?! Tell me this instant or I swear I'll insult your 'man hood' as well as Harry's!"

 "OK! I was the one that screwed up their relationship. I was the one that also kissed Perrie and sent her a text but I can promise you that she told me she was single." He said in all honesty, gripping onto the edge of the table. And me, well I just sat there shocked as ever with my mouth open. Finally after Clayton sat down and cooled off a bit, I decided to cool off a little as well. After all Perrie had not just cheated on Zayn with Calyton, she had cheated on him with two other guys, maybe more! It made me sick.

 "Clay, just be careful who you kiss. You never know if they could turn out to be some jerk off and crush your heart." Clay nodded in agreement before he took another big bite out of his cheese burger.


 That night I went home and ate sloppy joe's and corn with my family. They asked me about my summer plans but half the time I was zoned out. I was just over all thinking about Zayn Malik. We had become pretty close over the past month and I couldn't go two minutes without seeing his beautiful face in my mind.

What am I saying?

Okay, I'm not really myself today...

 "Emma?" Mom asked laying a hand on my shoulder. "Whats wrong?" What was wrong? What was wrong! What was wrong was that Zayn kissed me and I ran away because I was afraid of what his reaction might be, and Harry got jealous!

 "Nothing." I replied with a fake smile plastered on my face. I needed someone to talk to and share my thoughts with. I could no longer take this 'keep everything bottled up' inside of me anymore.

I was going to call Jack.

 So I picked up my phone and dialed her number. (She had gave it to me before we started the movie last night.)

 "Hia." I said into the speaker.

 "Hey there!" She said loudly causing me to hold the phone away from my ear a bit.

 "Jack, I need your help."

 "Help? With what?"

 "Can you be a girl real fast?"

 "Emma, I've always been a girl, so spill!" She laughed on the other side of the line.

 "I need to see Zayn."


 "I need to look sexy." I said while biting my lower lip.

 "Whys that?"

 "Because I'm going to tell him I like him."


A/N~ This was kinda short, I think..  

Iz soooo sorry! I have been really busy and I just started school like two days ago so its been hectic.

I owe you a longer chapter next time!

-Peace out gurl scout :)


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