33. Seeing Again (Part Two)

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"YOU CANT HIDE FROM ME!" He shouts in my face, spit flying out from his mouth. I turn around to look at his hideous face staring back at mine. Shaking uncontrollably, I pray that someone see's us. Why cant they hear him? Why cant they hear my cries for help?

Looking over at there carefree faces I scream but they don't even give me glance. Reins Father tightens his grip on my arm, tarring me away from Harry and Louis with a forceful tug.

"NO! HARRY! LOUIS! PLEASE! WHY CANT YOU HEAR ME?!" I cry out in fear as he pulls me further away from everyone. Suddenly, I glance to my right and see Perrie and Zayn holding hands and walking directly past me without even noticing the scene that was taking place at the moment.

Tears spill from my eyes like a river when I feel the cold ring of a barrel up against the side of my temple.

"No one will notice when your gone."





I lung up into sitting position and quickly turn off my alarm. My back is covered in sweat and my face is stained with tears. It was just a dream. I tell myself as I stressfully run my fingers through my hair. A dream that was freaking creepy as heck...

"Good! Your awake." My 'mom' stands by my door with an excited expression on her face that quickly fades when she sees me zombie like. "What happened to you? Are you on your period? Have you been using drugs?" She sends questions at me like a dodge ball.

"No mom!" I shout quite offensively.

"Oh gosh no. You aren't pregnant are you?!" I grunt obviously frustrated that I was so suddenly being accused.


"Don't use that tone with me." I start to see a small smile tug at the corners of her lip, knowing she was just kidding. Sighing, I find myself smiling as well.

"Just a bad dream. Anyways-" I change the topic quickly before she asks me more questions about what I appositely did. "What was it you were going to ask me?"

"Oh!" She points over at me and flashes her pearly whites. "Your brother offered to let you live with him for the next two months and a half. Are you up for it?" She asks while waiting for my reaction.

"Is that even a question?! Of course I will!" I run into her arms for a bear hug. Even though I wasn't related to this woman what so ever, she still felt like a mom to me. She even had that mommy look to her.

"I knew you would honey bun." We both pull away to look at each other. "Now you better get a packing before you get a slacken!" I laugh, nodding, and hurry over to my dressers to pack my stuff for Chance's.

This is going to be triflent.


"Why did Suzy fall off the swing?" Louis asked Liam, Niall and I. At the moment, Liam, Louis, Niall, and I were all at Chances apartment putting together my stuff in the spare room which was now claimed mine for the next two months and a half. After the long talk with Chance about all his house rules and how eucalyptus plants are good for the environment, I was finally able to walk in through the front door. Thank the lord we didn't have to go over the whole 'good for the environment' talk since.

"Um, I honestly have no clue..." Liam ponders, laying his head on his arm to look at the boy across him eating a plate full of carrots he begged Chance for. And let me tell you, he was beyond confused and slightly afraid of Louis's extremely bizarre behavior. Yet, I think everyone was at one point around him..

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