20. That Over There

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"Oh my gosh Ni!" I laughed for about the tenth time today. At the moment I was teaching Niall how to skateboard and lets just say that... well, Niall hadn't skateboarded in a while.

"Whoa! Look out the way!" Niall shouted. Just as I turned around Niall had collided into me and knocked me down on the ground.

"Ugh, Ni! What the heck where you doing?..." I trailed off when I noticed how close our faces were to each other. Niall smirked at me, looking down at my lips before gently moving his hands up to my shoulders. Then, he slowly got up off of me.

I know this sounds completely NOT me, but I actually wanted him to kiss me...

We both blushed while standing up on our feet and I couldn't help but think about how close our faces were. The way his icy blue eyes peered down at mine, the way he smirked down at me, and when both of our faces flushed.

Oh my gosh I sound like a complete love sick puppy now.

"Hey Jack, lets see what's going on down over there!" Niall smiled wide, pointing over down towards the Broadway Boardwalk. Tons of people crowded around eating ice cream and cotton candy. No wonder Niall wanted to go over there.

"S-sure." I stuttered, glancing one last time at the ground where we almost kissed and bolted off to go catch up with Niall. Once I had caught up with Niall we both walked around for a while until a man in a yellow tuxedo called over to us.

"You're a cute couple! Why don't yall come on down over here and play the trust game!" The man yelled into a giant megaphone. At first I thought he was talking to a different couple maybe behind us, but when he pointed to Niall and I, I knew he was talking about us.

"A couple? Ha! Can you believe that Jack?" Niall chuckled in my ear making me laugh as well.

What a crazy old man.

"Sorry, but were not a couple and were not interested." Niall turned on the balls of his feet while tugging on my arm, away from the man.

"But its only a dollar to play! Please, its for charity!" He called out as he ran over to us. I bit my lower lip and lifted my head up to face the man when I finally agreed. I mean why not? It is for charity after all. Niall shrugged and turned back around before walking over to the man, handing him the dollar.

"Okay now, we'd like to play the trust game." I smiled up at Niall to see that he had smiled back. My stomach twisted and turned like the ocean while this unknown feeling came over me. I honesty had know idea what it was...

"Alrighty then, first I need you two to face my way." He explained, pointing at himself. Niall and I both did as he said and the man told us to recite a little speech before we started the game.

"Repeat after me." He said while looking at us both. "I trust you."

"I trust you." We both coursed together.

"To catch me when I fall."

"To catch me when I fall."

"Even in the hard times we face."

"Even in the hard times we face." I glanced behind me at Niall to see him looking straight into my eyes.

"And the good times."

"And the good times." Niall playfully winked at me, making me laugh.

"Do not drop me."

"Do not drop me." I said before I stuck my tongue out at Niall real fast so the man wouldn't notice.

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