24. Zayn Freakin Malik

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The phone rang three times before going into voice mail.

"We know this call is very important to us. Please enjoy this thirty minute flute solo." Jack's voice mail sounded in my ears. "JUST KIDDING! Ha, leave a message after the beep!" I struggled to hold in a laugh as the beep went off.

"Um, it's Nialler. I just wanted to know if you would maybe want to go with me to the 5SOS concert tonight. So, um, call me back when you get this message. Bye." I ended the call and walked into the kitchen to cook up some peanut butter chicken.

That stuff is like the bomb!

I licked my lips as I started to smell the chicken wafting throughout the house.

"NIALL!" Someone shouted my name making me drop the paprika shaker to the ground, it making a 'clink' sound. As I turned around, I saw Lou standing there with a frown planted across his face. "Niall..." Then his frown was replaced by a mischievous grin. "Who's the girl your taking to the concert with us tonight?"

"Um, her, um, name is-" He suddenly cut me off by putting a finger to my lips.

"Is that peanut butter chicken!?" Louis yelled while dashing over to the oven and moving his hands back in forth in front of it to smell it. I quickly ran over to him and pulled back his arm and stuck my finger out at him.

"No, no, no! This chicken is for ME and Jack only. You understand?" I watched as Louis head dropped to the floor, arms dangling down by his sides as he let out a huff of frustration. I swear I felt like daddy direction of the group now...

"Oh... So your taking Jack I assume." He says while sitting down at the dinning room table.

"Actually yes." I smile, taking the chicken out of the oven and setting it down on two fancy purple plates.

She will have no idea what's in store for tonight..



The next morning I woke up to something tapping on my window. I stumbled out of the bed as I groggily made my way over to the window. Looking out into the mornings sunrise, I then saw Harry just below my window in the front yard with tiny pebbles filled in his hands.

"What the heck?" I said while pulling up the handle. Harry stood there dressed up in a button up plaid shirt and black skinny jeans with rips in several places. I do have to admit that he did look quiet attractive...

"Get your lazy bum down here!" He shouted, smiling up at me as he squinted his eyes to see better.

"Nope." I popped the 'p' as I started to pull the window down. Harry suddenly stopped me by yelling out, "FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER START PREFORMING IN AN HOUR!"

"What did you just say?" I pulled up the window once again and stuck my head out.

"I said, do you want to go see Five Seconds of Summer preform tonight with me?" He said while leaning against the old oak tree in my front yard. I didn't think twice before letting out a girly scream at his question. "I take that as a yes." Harry laughed when I started to nod vigorously.

"Why don't you come up here and wait for me to get ready. Kay?" I said, feeling my self smiling like crazy.


I was literally skipping down the stairs to go let Harry in when I remembered that my parents were still sleeping.

Ah poop....

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