37. Us

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"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" I shouted out to all the people that crowded throughout our house. Everyone silenced at my command, turning to face me immediately.

Well, I cant say I'm quite used to this... I thought as I awkwardly coughed and told Niall to turn off the lights. In exactly one minute Emmaliese will walk through those doors. I can picture it right now. The wide smile that lights up the universe, her pulling me in for a long lasting hug, and thanking me for everything.

The more I think about her the more I want her. I want her to walk through those doors right now. She'll be walking through about any second now..



one. I count off in my mind. As if on queue the door creaks slightly, creating a beam of light from the porch light outside to reflect on the people inside.

Once the door is completely open, my heart races and I forget to say surprise with the others because of the sight that took place. It was better then I pictured it in my head. Emmaliese gasps, covering her hand over her mouth in shock. She stumbles back into Harry and Clayton while cracking up in laughter.

All the people from her school cheer with claps, hollers, and shouts towards the beauty. One of them including me. Heck, I was the loudest one out there yelling my lungs out!

Taking a deep breath I make my way through the bundles of teens to Emma's side with a grin covering my face. "Happy birthday love." I gravely say in her ear as I pull her into a hug, my hands settling around her waist.

"You really did all of this?" She asks in amazement, brown eyes wide looking up at me. I can feel eyes on us from all angles in the hug we're still in.

"I wanted you to know that you mean a lot to me." I say in all honesty, for it was one hundred percent truth. If I didn't have feelings for Emma, then there would be no way in heck I'd spend any of my time trying to make her smile. The fact was that I cared for her too much. I don't think anything can stop me now from winning her back now.

All of the sudden, the music blares from the giant speakers surrounding the house causing Emma to jump a little in my embrace. I chuckle at her and pull her closer to me to where our foreheads are touching. The expressions on her face twist with confusion and I can't figure out the reason why.

"Harry told me you didn't send those flowers." She says so fast I'm not even sure I heard her correctly.

"The flowers?"

"Yes. Um, I-" Stopping Emma mid-sentence, Louis and Niall come by with cans of silly string and spray it all over the both of us. Pulling apart shocked from the cold substance, we try as best as we can to remove some from off of our faces to see.

"LOUIS AND NIALL!" Emma and I shout at the same exact time at the two of them. They both turn around and drop their cans of Silly String on the floor in front of them before laughing like crazy and running away the second I blink my eyes.



"I DONT POP MOLLY I ROCK TOM FORDDDDD!" Everyone sings at the same time in the most craziest tone. The music continues to play, the people continue to dance, and I am official having the best night of my life. As everyone sways to the beat, I spot Niall carrying around a huge machine. What is that for? Not even three minutes later the air was fills with bubbles from the machine. Everyone cheered as we had a bubble party! (Just like on Spongebob). Everyone was going ham, jumping and popping the bubbles. I stuck my tongue out, catching a bubble on my tongue. I cringed when it popped and I could taste a soapy residue in my mouth. Zayn laughed at me.

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