21. I'm So Sorry

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Once we got to Chance's apartment, we talked a lot. We pretty much covered everything from the past two years we hadn't seen each other in. It almost seemed crazy listening to all the stuff he had done. Like for example; going water skiing in the Bahamas, exploring the tropical rainforests of the Amazon, swimming in volcanos, and meeting SnoopDog. Just about anything that a typical girl like me wouldn't do.

But forreal though! SnoopDog?

I'm so jealous...

"So what have you been doing for the past two and a half years?" Crap, its my turn to speak...

"Um, I've been living with my adoptive parents here close to Malibu Beach." I start to mess with my nails. Honestly my life hadn't been as adventury as Chances had been but there was always that special someone who made me feel complete. "And then came Zayn."

"The popstar guy that your dating?"

"Correct!" I laugh while pointing a finger at him. Although he wasn't just any popstar... "He's my boyfriend."


Whoa! It sounds so odd for me to call him that.

"So tell me about this 'boyfriend' of yours." Chance smirked, putting air quotes into the word boyfriend.

"Well..." I trailed off as I started to feel myself blushing. "When we first met he had a girlfriend that was nice to just mostly him, but then as the weeks past, I found myself drawling closer to him. Not in the bad way since he had a girlfriend but in the friend zone way." My mind started to drift off back to when Zayn asked me to dance at the Summer Dock thing. It seemed ages ago but I still remember every detail, like the way he grabbed my hand and guided me to the beat of the blaring music, when he whispered how I was supposedly a good dancer in my ear. Though I knew that was a HUGE lie!

Like common!

I looked like a freaking Helen Keller when I tried to dance.

"How are you two just friends when your dating?" Chance quirks and eyebrow as he gets up off the couch and walks over to his kitchen to go get some ice cream.

"Nononono, we were just friends until the breakup with his girlfriend Perrie."

"Ohhhh." Chance sat back down on the couch with two bowls filled with strawberry ice cream and sprinkles. I started to dig in when thoughts of Zayn and I came to mind and something I thought I'd never ever say in my entire life.

"Um... Chance?"


"I think I love Zayn."

"YOU WHAT!" Chance said, spitting his ice cream all over the floor.

"I-I-I, I THINK I LOVE HIM!" I yelled while giving Chance a bone crushing hug. After all,



Forget about that last part.

"I HAVE TO TELL HIM!" A light bulb dings on in my head and my heart is telling me to go after him. All that's playing over and over in my mind is to go find Zayn and tell him I'm in love!

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Do you have to tell him this instant?" Chance says franticly from my sudden increase of loudness in my voice. At first I give him the look like he's the dumbest person in the world, then I huff out a, "Yesss."

"Okay then Mr. Snippy pants."

"Ahem! That's Mrs. Snippy pants to you." I joke while snapping my fingers in a 'Z' formation. "I just want to go simply tell my boyfriend that I love him."

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