35. Nice One

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 "You!" I point to one of our cleaning maids, causing her attention to snap back to me. "Go out and buy as many plastic cups as you can find." Before I turn around I can already spot our maids rushing around frantically for the party tomorrow. Yes, there will be a party and not just any ole party. Emmaliese's seventeenth birthday party.

Jack and Niall had come over earlier yesterday to tell me that Emma was turning seventeen in exactly three days notice. Thinking that this was a great opportunity to get her to realize that I'm more than just the butt head I was in the past, I decided that we should all throw her a surprise party tonight.

 "This is the best idea I think you've ever came up with lad." Louis pats me on the back proudly.

 "I know right. It has to be perfect though. I mean, not just a bunch of random streamers and shizz. I'm talking strobe lights everywhere and male strippers!" Louis scrunches his forehead up in confusion. "No male strippers then?" I ask, receiving a definite no from Lou. "Got it."

 "Mate! Jack found the perfect play list for the party." Niall walks in from around the corner with a stack of c.d. cases held in his arms. Even from a glance I can tell that half the titles are all rap music or dubstep. Which goes perfectly with the party I have planned for her.

 "What's going on in here?" Harry ask's just as he bursts through the front door.

 "A party." I reply rudely even though I hadn't attended to in the first place. Clearing my throat, I make my way up to Harry and chuckle. "Looks like you'll be the one making the invitations and passing them out to every single teenager at North Carrolton High." Harry squints as if he's trying to see through me or something, then nods agreeing.


That's what I thought Styles..


Ever single teenager at North Carrolton High?! You know how many people actually go to school there? I angrily thought while I checked onto the schools website. After going through lists and lists of pointless graphs, I finally found the lists of students names in alphabetical order with their emails off to the side.

"Hey everybody. Surprise party for Emmaliese at Zayns house tomorrow at 10:00p.m. Bring presents and be there Xx." I mumbled as I typed in frustration."There." Pressing enter, I stood up and turned off the computer before heading off down the hallway.

"OHHH ZAYNIEKINS!!!" I yelled teasingly just to tick him off. I knew how much Zayn hated me calling him that, but I did it anyways. After all, that's what friends are for am I right?

"Yes Harry?" Zayn showed up at the doorway with several boxes of strobe lights against his chest.

"People are invited. My job here is done." I smiled proudly to myself.

"Uh-huh. Yeah, and how exactly did you did that in less than.. 3 minutes?" Zayn questioned, his eyebrows narrowed down towards me. I watched him struggle to hold the boxes.

"I put it on the school website, duh." I smirked.

"YOU IDIOT!!! YOU REALIZE THAT SHE CAN SEE IT ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE!!!!" Zayn yelled as he dropped all of the boxes on the ground in a loud *crash* sound. He came over to my side and pushed me all the way back into the office. My heals practically sliding across the carpet in my socks.  


"Yeah, whoops. Fix it Styles. Oh, and write my address, and how it's a surprise party for Emmaliese, you know, the basics." He instructed. We both stopped at the edge of the office door and I watched Zayn flick his head towards the computer like he was ordering me to go over there. In that case, I did what he said finally even though I still desperately wanted to choke him. So, I went back onto the website and deleted the status, which had plenty of comments..

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