6. You Can Have Him

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 "Hello Emmaliese..."  This time when I turn around there really is someone there...

 "Rein! What are you doing here?!" I breathlessly say while taking a few steps back, I notice she's taking a few more steps towards me. She wears a strapless red dress that goes down to her knees and sparkly red heals, my red heals...

 "I'm here to finish off what I started." She smirked. My heart pounds in my chest as I notice that I'm alone, its dark, and this time no ones here to save me.

 "I-I thought you didn't like Jordan a-anymore." I choke on my words as she gets closer to me. Closer...

 "I always liked him and you knew it too."  Right now, I feel like collapsing to the ground and just giving up but I have to fight back this time because, last time when I ran away I almost died.

 "I swear I didn't know Rein." I look into her eyes seriously. I want us to be friends like we used to be, like when we used to go to the mall and shop at Hollister just so we could check out the hot guys that walked around in there, when we would write love notes and stick them in peoples lockers as pranks, and lastly we were there for each other. Until Jordan came along...

  "I LOVED HIM YOU-" *SLAP*  My hand moved up to my check where Rein had slapped me and I could feel my anger building up inside of me by the second. I was not usually the type of person to start a fight but don't think I wont finish it.

 "You can have Jordan!" I slap her back and push her down to the curb.  She starts to sob really loud and she wont get out of the middle of the road!

 "Rein! Move your butt!" I yell as I stand on the side walk. I know I hate her with a passion now but I honestly don't want to be guilty for her death! I then run out onto the street and extend a hand for her to take. The headlights are getting closer and closer and Rein still wont move.

 "Rein! Take my hand!" Rein reaches for my hand and I smile that she is actually trusting me but I should have trusted her just before she pulls me down onto the street were the car inches forward. I realize I've been betrayed and all I can do at the moment is close my eyes and stifle out a sob. I am going to die...



 The car stops and honks in front of me. I open my eyes to see a tall figure exiting the black car and walking towards my way.

 "Miss! Are you ok?" I come into view of a guy with Blond qiffed hair and a concerned look plastered on his flawless face.

 "Not really." I look over his shoulder for Rein but see not sign of her, just a pair of sparkly red pumps on the side walk. I didn't know if I should break down right here, right now in front of this stranger or not. I decided later would be the time to break, to sob and eat butt loads of ice cream while watching old reruns of teen wolf on MTV.

 "What's your name miss? Why were you in the middle of the street?" He snaps me out of my thoughts with his questioning.

 "Oh, um Emmaliese." I wipe a tear from under my eye. I know I probably looked completely hopeless and a wreak at this moment but who could blame me? I practically had two episodes in the past four days!  

 "Pretty name. My names Niall Horan." The guy named Niall smiles softly in hope to lighten the mood, which surprisingly does make me feel a tad better.

 "Would you like me to drive you home?" Niall asks pointing over to his gigantic vehicle.

 "No thank you, my house is actually right here."

 "Oh, ok... Will you be ok Emmaliese?" he looks deeply into my eyes.

 "Yes." I smile just before I make my way back down the street and into my house. But before I can close the door, I shout out to Niall, "Thank you!"

He turns around in my direction and replies back, "No problem Emmaliese." and with that, he gets in his car and dives away.



 "Why do they call the dance a summer dance if its not even in the summer?" Clayton asks while shoveling several tater tots into his mouth at once. But I cant quiet concentrate on his question when my mind keeps going back to Niall. I wonder if he was at the dance last night...

 "Well technically it is summer but our stupid school just doesn't let out as earlier as the other schools do. " The dude next to me answers Claytons question for me.

 "Mmhm." Clay gives me a (WEIRDO) look while laughing loudly. The dude next to me is actually named Devine Malty and Clayton and I have this inside joke about him that we call Devine, grape vine. So every time Devine talks to us we just burst out in laughter and whisper grape vine when he try's to be all snippy and what not. Hey, if your friends with Clayton you'll have a billion inside jokes!

 "So Clay, did you have fun at the party last night?" I asked him because I was extremely curious about this hot blond he was supposedly kissing.

 "OH YEAH! She said her name was-" Just before Clayton could finish his sentence, Mrs. Parker silence the class to be quiet. Mrs. Parker was a great teacher and all but she just didn't have patients, what so ever.

 "Ok class, today were going to-" Blah, blah, blah, is all I herd after today and I completely blocked out the world and my mind started to drift of to thinking about Niall again. Who was this guy? And how did he make me feel better just by smiling ever so slightly? Why did he save me? I wonder if I'll ever even come across Niall again...   


A/N~ Yellow everybody:) I am sososososoooo sorry that I haven't updated soon enough and I'll try to update every week if possible. Thank yall oh so much for all the wonderful reads! <3 LOVE YOU GUYS!!! :D & one more thing before I go to sleep, if you will be so kind and generous, please check out my other book Find My Heart. My sister and I are writing it and I've been reading it to a couple of people I know and they say its really good so check it out if you like mystery and romance if you like that lol got to go bye bye:)  

-my little buggies;)

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