9. Hold Your Breath

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 I shakily fumbled with my car keys as I tried to pull them out of the ignition.

 "Common, common, common!" I angrily chanted to myself. "Forget it.." I ditched the keys and ran over to the other side to were the girl had been sitting. I then carried her bridal style into the hospital, nervously glancing at her face every couple seconds.

 Why do bad things happen to good people? 

 Just then, I reached the front desk when a doctor came rushing to my side.

 "Whoa there! Where are your parents young boy!" The short chubby man asked while holding up a clip board. I wanted to punch him in the face.

 "DO I LOOK LIKE I'M FIVE TO YOU!?" I shouted while dodging around him. "She needs help! Please, she's having an asthma attack!" My arms started to grow weak and I fell to my knees. Laying her limp body down on the tile floor, I looked into her beautiful eyes.

 "Listen to me, you need to take a deep breath." I said as calmly as I could. Finding her tiny fragile hand, I held tightly onto it as I waited for her response.

 "I-I-ca-nt." She said in between heavy gasps.

 "Just try please." My plan didn't seem to work so I thought of a different strategy.

 Try to take your mind off of it.

 Hold your breath.

 I recited the words in my mind from a book that I had once read. Without even thinking straight I leaned in and kissed her. Her eyes grew wide and she suddenly relaxed them when she realized that it was working.

 It was working? Yes it was! The kiss ended after a couple of seconds and I litterly sat up prying to myself that I didn't freak her out. I was just trying to save her life after all.

 "W-why did you do that for?" She stuttered while caressing her finger tips over her lower lip.

 "I read somewhere that if you hold your breath and take your mind off of it, then you'll stop." I said it as if it were the simplest instructions in the world. At first, she looked at me funny and her eyes got a little watery.

 "Thank you." She smiled while standing up on her feet,"I'm Jackie- Jack." Jack corrected her self as she gave me an odd look. I gave her a (whats wrong look) back. Before I knew it, reality hit me and I then realized that we were in a hospital, and everyone was starring at us.




 When Niall's lips touched mine it was like the uneven breathing just washed away in a river. I often get attacks like this when I'm supper nervous. Like when I'm at tryouts for volleyball or something, but I'd always have my inhaler with me... until I thought I had stopped having them...Boy am I gullible! HAVING AN ATTACK IN FRONT OF NIALL HORAN! He probably thinks I'm a freak, or  better yet a mental patient.

 We both pulled apart and I know it sounds crazy but I wish it could've lasted just a little longer. But I was still curious as to why he did that, so I had to ask.

 "W-why did you do that for?"

 "I read somewhere that if you hold your breath and take your mind off of it, than you'll stop." He said so clearly. It warmed my heart that someone would save my life. All my guy friends would have just threw a straw at me and told me to suck it up! But this pop star was different, and I liked it a little.

 "Thank you." I smiled a little before finally giving him my name."I'm Jackie- Jack." I corrected myself before the girly name got out. Looking over Niall's shoulder, I realized that we were being watched by about four doctors and fifteen patients in the waiting room beside me. Well gee, why didn't they save me?!

  They all had strange looks on their faces and I couldn't figure out what they were feeling about this situation. Mad? Sad?Confused?

 Before I could make a run for it, they did the unexpected.

 They were clapping?

 "They must have liked that." Niall said while grinning at me.



 Oh crap...


 "What are you doing here Rein?" I asked through gritted teeth. I was soooo beyond angry that if we were living in a cartoon, you would probably be seeing smoke fuming from my ears right now.

 "Well, when you tried to injure me that one night Zayn was the one that saved me." Rein smirked knowing that she was making me jealous.


 Me jealous?!

 Phh! No... Zayns just my guy friend.

 "You liar! I tried to help your sorry butt!" I shouted while inching towards her, but I stopped when I felt Harry's hand lay on my shoulder.

 "Emma, Zayn? Wait, who are you again?" Harry asks.

 "Rein." She says sourly. Her voice was just one of those preppy mean voices that made you want to slap her in the face! Ya know what I mean?

 "Rein is a LIARRRR!" I hold out while pointing a finger at her. She responds by sticking her tounge out at me.

 What are we in, fourth grade?

"Okay then. If I supposedly "injured" you, then why was I the one that was left out in the middle of the street? Huh?" I raised my eyebrows at her waiting for an answer.

 "I was-" She started before I cut her off.


 "I'm just trying to-"

 "SAY IT ALL READY!" I yelled, which caused her to break. And when I say break, I mean she like snapped like a Slim Jim and tried to punch me in the face. But I dodged her and Harry was the one that ended up being the injured one.

 "Oh my gosh Harry!" Zayn and I said at the exact same time while rushing over to his side.

 "Are you cray? Nobody messes with my guy friends! Especially Curly!" I gasp when I see that Harry's lip was bleeding. Poor Curly...

 I turn around to see that Rein had gotten off of the porch and ran back to where ever the heck she'd come from. I was about to chase her down when Zayn mumbled under his breath that it wasn't worth it, so I stayed... Mostly because Harry was hurt and I just didn't have the energy to run after her again. Although I would get revenge... Somehow...

 I turned back to Harry and apologized.

 "I'm so so sorry."

 "It's okay Emma. At least she didn't hit you, that would make me feel even worse." Harry's choice of words surprised me a little. He wasn't the typical snobby pop star girls thought he was, he was better than that.

 "I'm sorry too Emma." Zayn said while looking deep into my eyes, and I realized how much I had missed them.

 "It's cool Zayn, but you do owe me a little somethin somethin." I smiled while nudging his shoulder playfully.

 "And what is that?" He asked while returning a smile back. I knew what I was going to make him do and I knew he would agree.

 "Dance with me."


A/N~ Did you catch the Teen Wolf part? Eheh?

 Well, hope you guys are liking my character Jack so farrrr!

 Vote, comment, and read read read! :D

 -MadionsJ2000 xoxoxo

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