30. It's Never Too Late

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That kiss though... I'm not usually the type of girl to be all preppy and what not but seriously,


"Again, and this time don't sing so high on the 'gone, gone, gone' part." The instructor snapped and pointed at Louis. Just to fill you in, we're now at the recording studio for their new song 'Story of My Life.' Now originally I wasn't technically supposed to be in the booth with them, but Niall persuaded the instructor somehow to let me at least sit in the corner in one of those big red fluffy bowl chairs. Which was okay with me because, who doesn't like big red fluffy chairs? Am I right?

 "NOTHING IN BETWEENNNN!" Louis practically shouts the lyrics, getting a very angry glare from their instructor. I chuckled lightly and tried to cover up my laughter with the palm of my hands. "Sorry..." He then slouched in his chair ever so slowly. 

 Looking over at Niall, the kiss replayed in my mind freshly. As if it where just a minute ago, I could still taste his lips on mine... Someone call 911. Jack Florida is drowning in Niall's sexiness.  

Da? Please tell me I did not just say that..

 "The story of my life. I take her home, I drive all night-" The boys suddenly get cut off by that dang instructor. I frown slightly and narrow my eyebrows towards the guy even though he probably wasn't even looking at me, or he just didn't care.  "Too fast!" He sighs and runs a hand threw his...well, he was bald so I don't really know how to state this.. Glancing over at the boys I can tell they're just as frustrated. "Again! One, two, and three!"

 "The story of my life I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm and time

Is frozen (the story of, the story of)

They boys sang in the most perfect harmony. It completely blew me away.

 The story of my life I give her hope

I spend her love until she's broke inside

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

And I been waiting for this-"

 "No, no, no!" I see the instructor cut the boys off with his obnoxious hand movements.  

Was this really necessary?

 "BUT THAT WAS PERFECT!" Niall protest loudly I might add.

 "I agree." I mumble and pick at the mud on my blue Vans.

 "Not perfect enough.. Now do it again." The instructor clasps his hands together and starts the record once again.

This is going to be one long day...



 After the long two hours at the recording studio, I was beyond ready to leave. Our instructor was starting to really get on my nerves..

 "Hey. Um, I need to talk to you about something." He stops to take a deep breath. Turning around to face the mate, I shove my hands into my jean pockets and wait for him to continue. "Everything."

 "Alright." I shrug.

 "About the whole punching you in the face thing." He try's to look anywhere else but my eyes that send glares at him. Why couldn't Harry see that now was not the time to talk. Yet again, I don't really have an excuse to tell him otherwise. "Mate, I'm sorry okay."

 "If you were so sorry, then why did you go out and make out with Emma behind my back?" I accuse getting angrier as the seconds tick by.  Harry just stands there with his mouth hanging wide open. Its only till then that I realize what had just came out of my mouth.

 "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WAS USING HER ZAYN!" He yells, frustratingly pulling at his hair. "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SAID YOU DIDN'T HAVE FREAKING FEELINGS FOR HER ANYMORE!" I stand there and start to feel my hands shake. I opened my mouth to say something back to my red faced friend but my mind was completely blank.

 "You know what? You just think your all that walking around and feeling crap about everyone when I'm the one that's falling for her and she doesn't even like me half as much as she likes you!"

 "You're lying."

 "Are you smoking something Zayn?" Harry rises his eyebrows up at me questioningly.

 "What the? No." I scuff my shoe on the floor.

 "Then why can't you see that you're jealous of us together?" That's what got me there. That simple question made me freeze in my spot. Was I really jealous? Shaking my head at the floor, I began to see her face flash in my vision. That face that I'd never seem to get a good look at, or maybe I was just picturing that face as someone else. Someone else meaning Perrie. Whatever the case was, I found myself to be not only jealous, but also a little apprehensive. No matter how hard I tried to love Perrie after she had cheated on me she just didn't feel at all the same. From now on I have decided to move on and forget all about her and our broken relationship. Yes, I'm now accepting the fact that our relationship may never be the same again, if ever! I've spent way to long trying to fix everything between us when I never even realized that I needed to fix things with another girl out there.

 "Emmaliese." I look up from the ground and find myself smiling at the name. How could I have been so dumb, so blind, when she could be that girl I've been looking for this whole time.

 "Yes Emmaliese ya stupid!" Harry says in a jerky tone.

 "No, no, no, Emmaliese. I need to fix things with her. Let her know that what I did was stupid and the most idiotic thing I'd ever done. That I'm unconditionally sorry."

 "Wait a minute. What the bloody ketchup are you talking about?" Confusion takes over his features as he speaks.

 "I'm considering clearing things up with Emmaliese."

 "Um, I think you've come too late to just now realize this lad." I stop myself from walking out of the recording studio when I hear him say this. Even if it was too late and she doesn't forgive me I would still at least try. I'm not the kind of guy that goes into hard situations and doesn't try to fix them. I mean, that's what's gotten me to this point now with Emmaliese!

 "It's never too late." Is what I say before I walk out those doors and into the burning sun. It's like when you go to the movie theaters in the day time and come out and your eyes have to adjust to the brightness. That's what it felt like. 

When I got into my car, all I could do was think of what Emmaliese might be doing at the moment, and if it were right to call her at this time. 

 "Wait! Zayn!" A muffled voice shouts from beside the window. Abruptly stopping the car and rolling down the window, Harry stood there out of breath and a  I-phone5 in his hand. "I think it's time we stop being enemies and start acting like lads again." Harry and I laughed together.

 "I agree." I chuckled and let him in my car. After all, that's what friends are for.


A/N~ Okay. So, I was going to have 5sos in this chapter but I decided to put in sort of a time warp of yesterday when they went to the record studio. It was only because I realized Zayn needed to stop being a butthead and apologize to Emma. SO I PROMISE NEXT CHAPTER WILL HAVE 5SOS IN IT!

LOL, I just finished watching White House Down with Channing Tatum in it and he was all hot and whatnot. Seriously, like one of the best movies ever!!!  



ClarityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora