7. Deserve Ta Know

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After Emmaliese left with Clay, I decided to search for my girlfriend Perrie who ditched me. Wow, that sounds bad...

"PERRIE!" I shout as I push past Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez in the middle of a make out session. Anger fumed in me for some odd reason and I couldn't figure out why.

"PERRIE-" I suddenly got cut off by a booming voice behind me.

"Sir, will you please lower your voice." I then realized that leprechaun Irish voice, it was my friend Niall Horan! The last time I had seen him was at the house, which was like last week when him, Louis, and Liam all went to a special photo shoot for some teen magazine. And you ask why Harry and I don't go? Honestly why would we want to go... Just kidding! We didn't go because we had to stay here and help Paul (our body guard) re-decorate his kitchen for his grandmas Kwanzaa celebration. Don't ask me...

"Hey Niall! How was the photo shoot?" I said super low.

"Absolutely terrible!" He replied in this high pitched girl voice.

I chuckled before asking,"Why?" Niall furrowed his eyebrows in thought before telling me his story, and I will say it was quiet terrible.

"And that's why Louis has a blind fold on." Niall points over to Louis which is yelling at a chair for bumping into him. Poor Lou...

"I can't believe you sprayed Windex in his eyes!" I scolded Niall before I ran off to help Louis. Once I made It over to Louis I grabbed his arm and led him out into the parking lot.

"But mommy I just got here!" Louis whined while trying to squirm out of my grasp.

"It's Zayn yah twit!" I slapped him upside the head which made him laugh before saying,"Oh." I then leered Louis into my car before yelling after Liam and Niall. I had to go find Perrie and I wasn't going to waste anytime screaming my lungs out in this pie hole.

 "Hurry it up laddies!" I honked the horn super loud making Liam and Niall cover their ears just before walking my way. Just then, Niall tapped on my window and mouthed that he was going to take his car home. Oh well... I thought to myself before flooring it.

 "Where are we going?" Liam asked while poking the back of my neck.

 "To find Perrie."

 "Oh." Was all he said before he leaned back into his seat. While I was driving my mind started to drift off to Emmaliese which was not a good idea considering she ditched the party without even telling me where she was going. Wait!... Now I do have a good reason to think about Emmaliese. She's just my friend after all right? Or maybe- My thoughts got cut off when Liam shouts that he sees Perrie outside the window.

 "Over there!" He points to Perrie which apparently seems to be sobbing on the curb. I quickly get out of the car and speed walk over to her. Once she sees me, she sobs even harder.

 "Whats wrong babe?" I sit down next to her and rub her back comfortingly.

 "Don't you whats wrong babe me!" She snaps while staring up at me. Mascara has made black streaks down her face and her hair is all messy. What in Gods name happened?

 "I saw you," she stifles a tear before finishing,"With her. Before things got all Jerry Springer I explained everything to Perrie, from beginning to end at the party.

 "Perrie, were just friends." I smile but she sends daggers in her eyes towards me. "Wait a second, you said you saw me at the party." I accuse pointing a finger at her. "Therefor I told you to tell me when you'd arrive. Didn't I?"

 "I-I-" She hesitates while looking anywhere else but me.

 "Hum?" I raise my eyebrows. Just before she gets the chance to answer my question, her phone starts to ring on the pavement. Just before she gets the chance to answer I snatch it up and read the message.

 "Who's this?" I smirk at her cuz I know that its probably one of her snobby friends from work. Maybe I could revenge on her for accusing me of cheating on her. As soon as I read the messge I'm beyond torn....

-Message from Clayton-

 >Hey babe, your a good kisser. Mind if I see you again sometime?<

 "Babe, who was it?" Perrie says innocently as she leans over my shoulder to read the message. But before she gets the chance I throw the phone at the ground and watch it as it shatters into a million pieces. That's what Perrie did to me after all right? She shattered my heart into a million pieces and tries to blame it all on me for dancing with someone as innocent as Emmaliese. What kind of sick person does that?!

 "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Perrie screams as she drops to the ground to pick up the pieces of her stupid cellular device.

 "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I shout angrily as I run a hand through my hair. "Your the one who's cheating on me!" I extend a hand, obviously showing her that I know. Just then Liam and Louis come out from inside the car to find out whats going on.

 "Go away! Its none of your business!" Perrie yells at them while tears stream down her face.

 "Oh no, they deserve to know." Tears brim in my eyes but I don't let one fall. And you want to know why? Its because I'm not going to let some prissy girl (who probably doesn't even know who Gandalf is) make me cry.

 "To know what? Whats going on?" Liam asks worriedly,his facial expressions filled with confusion.

 "Babe, Zayn I'm so sorry I-" I

 "Don't you babe I'm sorry me!" I scoff. "How long have you been cheating on me?"

 "Just tonight....and maybe... last month I kissed a guy or two..." She trails off.

 "A guy or two!? You are a slut!" Louis yells at the wall because he has a blind fold on and therefor honestly doesn't know which direction where at.

 "Lou, were uh, over here." Liam says quietly while making his way over to Louis. My heart starts to throb and I feel angry and sad at the same time. They should really come up with a word for this feeling... Sangry maybe? I don't know, but what I do know is that I just want to get as far away from here as possible.

 "Were over Perrie! I treated you decent and you repay me like this! Just please don't ever talk to me again, were done!" I shout before getting into the car and slamming the door shut. A few seconds later I hear the door open and Liam and Louis enter, as soon as they do I floor it, once again. The car ride was silent the hole way there because nobody had anything to say. And if they did say something I probably would've blocked it out anyway...



 I had much to say, but every time I opened my mouth to speak I suddenly closed it to think of a better way to say it. The entire situation was heartbreaking and believe me, it was absolutely terrible. Almost as terrible as the photo shoot thing yesterday...  I just hope that Zayn never goes back to Perrie. I know this might seem harsh but its never a good thing to keep a cheater, even if you once loved them...


A/N~ Sorry these past few chapters have been a little sappy.... But I PROMISE they will get better and funnier becauseeeeee you know (who) is available now. hehehehehehe;)

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