27. Poor Curly

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A/N~ OH MY GOSH> I SWEAR I WAS GUNNA UPDATE YESTERDAY BUT MY INTERNET CRASHED:( But we got it fixed so enjoy the storyyyyyy!


"Whoa...." Jack says, her eyes growing wide.

"I, it's not what it looks like." I stutter as Harry and I scoot as far away from each other as possible. "He made me loose COD Zombies..." Harry purses his lip and thinks for a second before speaking.

"So she sort of tackled me by surprise." Jack and Niall stand side by side with narrowed eyebrows.


they're not buying it...

"Okay my fellow earth mates.." Jack breaths out while turning around on her heals.

PHEW! Close one there.



Okay now, I can explain.. Yes I do like Emmaliese, and I promised myself to tell her how I felt about her now that I know she likes me back. So, I've decided to tell her now.

"Do you mind if we uh, step out side for a second?" I asked nervously, shoving my hands into my jean pockets. She nodded and took one last glance at Jack and Niall before coming along with me. While we were both walking out the sliding glass door I thought about maybe just forgetting it and coming up with some stupid lie like, wanna go night fishing with me? I honestly wanted to, but then I realized that we were already outside and I needed to be a man.

"So, I have to tell you something." I choked out as I sat up on the ledge. Emmaliese then did the same and we sat side by side and looked out at the sunset.

Perfect! I thought, scooting closer over to her.

"Yeah?" She questioned while she bit her lower lip. My heart started to practically beat out of my chest when I couldn't spit out the words to tell her.

"I-I, um, I-" I stuttered stupidly.

"What Harry?" She laughed a little but was still serious at the same time. We both peered into each others eyes and without even processing what was happening, Emma leaned in and crashed her lips to mine. The kiss only lasted five seconds until someone interrupted us.

"WHAT THE-" Pulling away immediately, I saw one short glimpse of Zayn before loosing my balance and toppling off the ledge and falling face down into the sand..



"WHAT THE-" Harry and I both pull away quickly. I turn around to see Zayn standing there with a hard expression in his caramel brown eyes. My heart is beating out of control from the kiss and Zayn's presence.

"WOAH! UMPFF!" I hear a loud noise come from below me. Scrunching my eyebrows up in confusion, I glance down to see Harry face down in the sand with his legs and arms spread out in the shape of a star.

"OH MY GOSH CURLY!" I yell in panic as I dash down the porch stairs. He must have fallen off when he heard Zayn... Poor Curly...

Not even thinking strait, I began to panic when I came closer to Harry's body.

"No, no, no, no, no." I chanted over and over in my head as I crouched down beside him.

"Don't freak out, he's not dead." I hear Zayn say bluntly as he comes down the porch stairs, taking two at a time. Anger built up inside of me, washing away the panic. I tried to shove it aside as I used all of my strength to flip his body face up.

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