19. Hard To Manage

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"I guess sooo," She said in a girlish/joking way. I smiled widely like a kid on Christmas, kissing her cheek sweetly. She blushed. Even though I has kissed her allot, she still was effected in the simplest ways. I didn't really plan on asking her out but I wanted it to get it across management so our relationship could be a public thing. I wanted EVERYONE to know.

"Together?" I nodded towards managements office. She looked at me, then over at the door before finally replying,"Together."


"Care to explain this?" A man spoke just as we walked in. My eyes flashed across the room to see two men in black and what appeared to be...

Simon Cowel?!

Why is he even here?..

"Simon-" I started to protest before he cut me off.

"You know the rules."

"So do you." I shot back. He nodded at the floor and stood up before giving us this super long speech about how I was supposed to be secret about crap like this and blah.

I could seriously care less what critics think.

All I wanted was for Perrie to feel the pain I felt, plus Emmaliese was pretty and funny. I just want to be with her.

Why can't management get this though those skulls of theirs? Don't get me wrong, Simons amazing but I'm tired of all this management stuff.

"You where supposed to be with Perrie Edwards. Am I right?" One of the men in black asked, pulling out the chairs for us so we could sit down.

"Yes.." I mumbled angrily. I watched as Emmaliese shifted from left to right in her seat uncomfortably so I took her small hand in mine and gave it a squeeze.

"Okay Zayn. You can date Emmaliese Hayes under one condition." He continues, pushing his black shades up into his nose.

"Which is?"

"She has to be related to someone famous." He said with a large sigh. I seriously wanted to punch the freaking wall.

"What?! Emma, is anyone in your family famous?" I said a little too impatient, but I needed an answer fast before management got frustrated with me.

"I uh, I dunno." She said in deep thought, eyebrows crossed, and forehead creased. You could tell she was thinking hard and quickly.

"Anyone?" I crossed my fingers for an answer.

"Not that I know of..." She trailed off while looking at our hands that were intertwined together.

"You sure? What's your last name again?"

"Hayes." Simon interrupted me once again.

"She does indeed." The man to the left of Simon spoke, holding up a minila folder in his hands.



Pff! Whaaaaaattt?! There was no way in pancakes that I was related to someone famous. Maybe Dylan O'Brian...

That would be a dream come true! He could be like my hot cousin or something!

"Who!?" I said eagerly, my eyes burning through the folder.

If only I were Matilda! I would totally take that folder from him.

"Says here, someone in your family that goes by the name Chance Hayes is stil-."

 "What did you just say?" I asked. I wasn't completely sure if I had heard the man right or if I was hallucinating. He seriously did not just say that Chance was still alive. If he forreal did though, that would be just crazy. Crazy I tell you!

 "Chance Hayes is alive. Is he your cousin or something?" My eyes widened at what he had said.

 This was not possible.

 "You must have the wrong person, because I visited my own brothers funeral. I saw the coffin and if this is some sick joke you better quit it right this instant before I go over there and-" I immediately stopped when I heard the door slowly creak open. All of us turned around in our seats to come face to face with



 A/N~ Don't cha just love CLIFFHANGERS!!

 I do:)

 Sosososososoooo sorry for not updating soon enough:( I apologize guys! I have just been super busy with sports and school and ugh! BLEH! Just wish I could update more often! But I will definitely try me very best! <3 ILY

 Also! Did yall watch my trailer? And I know I know! Harry will be coming baaccckkk! So be prepared!

 And pwease comment if you liked or watched my trailer.

 *Or Zayn will punch a freaking wall*

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