Chapter 2 (Part 1)

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Picture of Grayson above or to the side :)

~ Grayson's P.O.V. ~

I leaned against my motorcycle waiting for the guys to come out of school. They were probably flirting their asses off. See, I don't even have to flirt. Girls just automatically fall for me. Except for one. And that bitch just so happens to be walking out of school now.

I squinted my eyes, watching her closely as she walked to her car. She was the only person to stand up to me. The only person to ever tell me off. And I don't know if I hate her or respect her for that. All I know is that she pisses me off so fucking much. But as much as she annoys me, I can't deny her good looks.

Her long blond hair. Her piercing blue eyes. And her sexy fucking tattoos. Not to mention how damn fine she looked in those jeans. God, as much as I hate her, I wouldn't mind exploring her body. I licked my lips as I watched her bend over and reach into her trunk. Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself walking over to her car.

"Hey sweetheart" I said flashing a charming smile causing her to turn around. When she saw me she rolled her eyes and groaned.

"What do you want?" She whined looking annoyed.

I leaned my elbow against her car. "Well I never got to formally introduce myself after our little 'argument'"

She laughed, "I know who you are. You're Grayson Jones, King of the assholes. You think you're superior to others and will put others done for your own pure joy and amusement" she finished, causing me to now roll my eyes.

"You don't know shit about me so you can't say shit, you fucking bitch" I snapped, my mood instantly changing. But yet again, she laughed.

"You know, I do have a name besides bitch" she smirked.

"And it would be...?" I asked.

"Ryder. Ryder Russo. But most people call me Temper" she said sticking her hand out. I felt a lump form in my throat. I had no clue that the girl that I have been fighting with this whole time was The 'Temper' Russo. This girl was notorious for her fights, anger issues, and suspensions. There are rumors flying everywhere about her. One of them say that she beat a kid up so bad freshman year that he switched schools and changed his name.

"Well, are you going to shake my hand or not pretty boy?" Ryder asked her hand still held out. I just stared at it like I couldn't process what she was saying. Finally, she got tired of holding out her hand and turned back towards her trunk.

I could easily look over her shoulder at what she was doing. She was transferring a few random items from her back pack to a duffel bag. She transferred a few workout clothes and a water bottle. I looked into her duffel bag to see a pair of boxing gloves.

"You box?" I asked surprised, as she turned her attention towards me once again.

"Kind of" she shrugged.

"What do you mean 'kind of'"? I asked as my eyebrows shot up.

"Well I only use the gloves on occasions, overall I hate fighting with gloves. It distracts from the fighting. And it doesn't feel as good as connecting a right hook with pure fist" she winked. Wow. No wonder she kicks everyone's ass and always wants to fight people.

"I can't imagine a little squirt like you winning any fights" I smirked trying to piss her off.

"Thanks" she smiled, "Cause it's people like you that only make me kick someone's ass harder"

"YO, GRAYSON MAN!" I heard my friends shout from where our motorcycles are, "LETS GO! STOP TRYING TO GET A PIECE OF RUSSO'S ASS AND GET OVER HERE"

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