A New Machina ( A Vegeta one shot)

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A girl made this for me one quizilla. Go there and check out amyrasazuki

I ran as fast as I could when the explosion happened, Goku; my half brother, was still wounded from his last battle and sent me instead. I had no idea what I would be up against; I knew that the Red Ribbon Army had been showing up on our planet again, but I didn’t expect this. They had upgraded, being more deadly than ever. The entire town was gone…everything and everybody…just gone.I ran again, this time towards the voice of a man I had grown to love, Vegeta.I had never told him of course, it would have made things more awkward between him and Goku, I mean they were allies yes, but they were still cautious of each other.When I arrived the Army had surrounded Vegeta, “Under the order 6892, you are hereby announced traitor and must be executed upon sight.” The Army raised their weapons and began to attack him. I couldn’t just stand by and watch him die. Entering the battle I could see him glance over at me from time to time.Pieces of metal and blood were flying everywhere, once I was hit from behind and knocked into the nearest wall, crumbling to the ground, I couldn’t move my entire body stung…I blacked out.

Vegeta’s P.o.V.

Why did she have to interfere, doesn’t she know it’s dangerous. She could die, he slammed another one down with his fist and then watched in horror as she was hit by shrapnel and then knocked into the wall by a soldier. She slid down and did not move again, “KIWA!” To put an execution order on his head was just fine, but to hurt those he loved was not. Infuriated he went super saiyan and began to slay all of his enemies. Eventually there were only a few left and it did not take him long to finish them off...more would come but they could wait. He ran over to her and pulled her into his arms, “Kiwa, Kiwa! Wake up!”A few minutes passed and still her eyes did not quiver and slowly a tear slid down his face, “I love you Kiwa, please…wake up…” He stood up and began the long journey back to Goku’s home, dreading what was to come. Unbeknownst to him the Red Ribbon Army had yet to send in their mightiest invention, Machina, it that could achieve the highest form of saiyan; it would bring about a new era for their kingdom.Machina had watched forma distance for some time now and chose this as his opportunity to kill his target, his back was turned, he wouldn’t expect it, he pulled up his blaster and let loose a single shot. The sound of it could be heard far into the distance, it even awoke Goku from his meditational nap.

Naeco’s P.o.V.

I felt someone’s arms holding me and the jolting as they walked; slowly I opened one of my eyes and was shocked to see Vegeta was the one carrying me. I began to ask him to put me down because I felt I could walk now but something happened we didn’t expect, this giant machine appeared behind us and shot Vegeta, fortunatly it only hit him in the leg but he dropped instantly, “You’re alive! Listen you must go get help. I can hold him off till you return, but you must go now!” I watched him struggle to stand up and fall again, “NO! Clearly you aren’t capable of much let me do it!” before he could respond I took off towards the monster. “You are not my target. Move out of this vicinity.”I kept charging at it and again it repeated those words, it threw a charge at me and I dodged it. It threw two more and I dodged them as well. Finally I was close enough to start damaging it and began to fight. The time seemed eternity, somehow it outwitted me, throwing a few charges and faking a left kick to fake a stomach punch but coming back to kick and throwing out another charge as I jumped over its head. My tunic was now torn and dirty, not my favorite combo. I decided it was time to go saiyan and apparently so did it, by the end of this battle the machine was rubble and I was covered in major cuts and bruises. Slowly I made my way back to Vegeta and together we made our way home. Almost there Vegeta stopped and looked at me, “Kiwa, why did you stop and help me. You could have been killed, and I would have had to live with that for the rest of my life.” My breathing was slow and my movements slower, but I managed to put a hand on the side of his face, “Because Vegeta, I…I love you.” He looked taken aback and then he crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me ferociously, his lips hard from nothing to drink, yet the kiss was passionate and gentle, “My Kiwa,” He rested his forehead on mine and comb his fingers through my silver hair and resting his hand on my waist, “I love you too.”

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