One Shot written on quizilla

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(A/N: So the first half I made then the second half a  girl made for me it was a trade lol)

Lexie was watching tv with Lily, her friend. The only thing that seemed to be on was news coverage on the Avengers. She found herself staring at every clip and image of Tony.

"Lexie, you're drooling over Tony, seriously... it's weird." Lily said suddenly, startling Lexie out of a daydream.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Lexie quipped back.

"Mhm, sure."

"Don't even pretend like you don't do the same thing with Steve." this caused Lily to blush.

"Look, you need to tell him. If you don't tell my idiot brother then I will."

"Tell me what?" rang the voice of said billionare, playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark.Lexie's mind stopped working, for seeing Tony walking around shirtless.

"That you're an idiot." Lily smarted off, covering for Lexie.

"You tell me that everyday." Lily got up and walked over to her brother.

"Ugh, you need to put a shirt on, Tony. No one should have to see that." she gestured to her brother's bare chest acting disgusted.

"What? I'm hot! Even Lexie thinks so."

"You're only hot because it's like 80 degrees, Tony." Lexie grumbled, her mind rebooting.

"Haha. Very funny." sarcasm dripped off Tony's words.

"I'm gonna go annoy Fury, see ya later." Lily called walking out of the room. "Oh, and Tony... Lexie has something she needs to tell you." Lexie wanted to strangle Tony's adopted sister by now. Tony plopped on the couch right next to Lexie.

"So what's my psycho sister talking about?" Tony asked a smirk on his face.

"I heard that!!" Tony merely rolled his eyes and turned back to the brown and purple curly haired girl.

"Oh uh nothing I uh-" Lexie stuttered but Tony cut her off.

"I know that you like me."


"The way you suddenly become shy when I tease you. The way you're staring at me now that my shirt's off." He pulled her into his lap. "You think I'm sexy." Lexie blushed.

"Uh, Tony..."


"I don't like you." The man looked disappointed. "I love you."

Tony kissed her passionately.

"Glad I'm not the only one."

Lexie kissed him again.

"Guess I'll have to thank, Lily later."

"YOUR WELCOME!!!!!" Lily screamed.

"OW!!" came the voice of Bruce Banner (A/N: he had been working on something and didn't know she was right behind him. So when Lily screamed he hurt himself on the tool-from being startled- and plus she yelled like right in his ear lol)


my name is Lily Stark, yes Stark as is in Tony Stark's little sister. well i should say adopted little sister. Speaking of my big brother, i just hooked him up with my best friend who's had a crush on him since she came to SHEILD. Lexie Barnes.

"Remind me to thank Lily," i heard her say then laugh.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!" i shouted.

"OW!" shouts Bruc i didn't see him right behind me.

"Sorry Man," i say laughing, walk away to the training room where Thor was, i sit against teh wall and take out my note pad and pencil testing ideas out for my fiction book. most of them didn't work or didn't make sense. then i felt like someone was watching me. i looked around adn noticed that Thor wasn't alone, Captain America a.k.a Steve Rogers was fighting with him and he was pinned down staring at me. i smiled at him. he smiled and flipped Thor over with his hands pinned beihnd his back.

i laughed, "You have officially been owned Thor," i yelled, he rolled his eyes (Note: Thor has been here for a long time so he knows the lingo, i hate it when people think he's totally clueless he's not that stupid).

"Funny," he mutters, he throws Steve off him and throws him against the wall that was padded, along with the rest of the walls that were pure steel so no one broke anything and sent the thing flying into the ocean. i tackled Steve jsut for the heck of it,we roll around trying to "kill" the other when ifound him on top of me. we both froze. i start breathing heavily. he did too.


"What the hell!" shouted the angry voice of my big brother, i pushed steve off me out of reflex and pushed myself up.

"Tony, me and Steve were just warming up," i said fixing my hair.

He raises an eyebrow, "Like this?" he asked. i rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," i grabbed ym stuff and walked out, when i was out of eyesight i started smiling like a fool. i walked to Lexie's room and just walked in. she saw me adn ran behind her shade. yes she has a shade in her room, tacky right?

my eyes widened when i notced that her clothes were scattered everywhere. (this wans't in my oneshot from SAMCROchick this is all my ideas)

"What are you doing here? thought you were training with Thor!" she screaches, i start laughing.

"Really Lex? you just got together with him not two hours ago!"

"And? don't tell me you wouldn't do the same thing with Steve," then she thought about it, "If he would go along with it," she snickers. i roll my eyes.

"No because i'm just a sweet innocent girl!" i say, we pause then both start laughing hystarically.

"As if Lilly!" she says coming out in a sexy black dress that revealed a little much in the chest. it wastight and her air was let down, that she never does. i immediately felt jealousy, she has the love of her life in er hands and i still have to wait to get the courage to tell mine.

As if she read my mind Lex looked me in the eye, "Twenty seconds and courage, Lil," she says, i smile.

"Get outta here and don't make-out with my brother in front of me, please, it'll save me a trip to the ladie's room to puke," i say, she laughs and walks out, her heels clinking on the ground. she was right. i walked to the training room, threw the door open and spotted Steve. he looked at me and smiled, i walked over and crashed my lips on his.

"I don't care i fyou push me away, i don't care if you don't have feelings for me too but i have feelings for you more than i can control," i kiss him again. i start walking away to my room. i was outside it when i slammed my head on the steel door. how stupid can i be? i thought to myself. i heard someone.

"You know, you never gave me the chance to respond," says the voice of my dreams. i turn and see Steve. i grunt and lean against my door.

"I have feelings for you too Lilly Stark," i smile as his lips meet mine.

"I feel special," i say, we both laugh and kiss again.

Twenty seconds and courage Baby!"

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