John Cena one shot written 4 me on Quizilla

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Name; BreAnna Findley

Nickname; Ray

Ring Attire; This top- and black tank top&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1067&bih=537&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=9Z-7rMi7S8bMTM:&imgrefurl=,r:3,s:18&tx=72&ty=49

these shorts- shorts&hl=en&biw=1067&bih=537&tbm=isch&tbnid=M3s2E2PsJl1B2M:&imgrefurl=,r:10,s:0

these shoes- boots gothic&hl=en&biw=1067&bih=537&tbm=isch&tbnid=E82unswkUUchMM:&imgrefurl=,r:0,s:0

Crush; John Cena (she's crushing on him; only she's 15, he secretly likes her back)

As a small child I had always dreamt of being part the WWE and becoming the women’s champion but I never expected it to happen. I thought it was just a dream, you know. That was 5 years ago, now at the age of 15 my dream has come true. I’ve been working in the WWE RAW roster for about 5 months now and I am the youngest ever to be a Diva. My best friend was an amazing guy. His name was John Cena and I had a huge SECRET! I loved the guy. I can’t explain why. Weird huh? But that’s just how it is. When I first met Cena, he appeared to be an angel from heaven. And I fell in love with him. The unfortunate thing was, he’s 34, I’m 15 and I am in a relationship already, an abusive one that is, with the Miz. I’ve been with my current boyfriend for 3 months and let me tell you, it’s a living hell. I have so many bruises and scars that I have to put special effects makeup on, just so no one will ask where I got the marks from.

I got up from the couch I had recently been sitting on and examined my ring attire in the mirror before making my way to the curtain. I was going out to defend my title against Maryse. Woo-hoo. When I got to the curtain I saw the blonde bimbo standing there with her hands all over Mike. It didn’t anger me as much as I had thought it would. Probably because I had no feelings for him what so ever. I laughed and walked over, “Hmm seems like you two are real close, huh?” He looked at me with hate filled eyes. “Seems like you two would be perfect. I mean with how easily you both get around.” Maryse laughed and flipped her hair, rolling her eyes. Miz just stood there staring down at me. I sighed and held tightly onto my title and waited to be called out.


Maryse had had the upper hand almost the entire match, hitting me with a cheap shot while the REF was turned around. I finally began to regain myself just enough to knock her one hard blow to the stomach. I gathered all the strength I had left and continuously knocked her in the stomach, sending her backwards into the turnbuckle. She groaned in pain and all I could do was form a sadistic smile. While I was off daydreaming of her in pain, she regained some strength, enough to begin fighting back.I got the upper hand after punching her in the jaw, causing her to become dazed. I threw her over my shoulders as the crowd went wild. I let out a holler and I brought her down, her face connecting with my knee. I rolled her over and covered.1…2…3!! “Here’s your winner! Ray!” The ref held up my arm and then I staggered back to the top of the ramp, turning around and doing my famous holler. I limped to the back and began to walk to John’s changing room.

I was twirling a piece of my straight shoulder-length black hair as I looked down at my boots, walking down the hall backstage trying to find Cena. Probably not the best idea; lots of people around you walking as fast as their feet could take them. I walked to Cenas door and thought I heard someone inside. I opened the door, without knocking, and god I wish I would have knocked. There was John with Maryse straddling his lap. My heart shattered into fifty million pieces as I ran out of the room. I guess John finally noticed me and began to run after.I ran as fast as I could trying to get away from the sight I had just witnessed, I turned the corner and was faced with the Miz; knowing what was coming I stood there and waited.

I was hit again and again. My cheek began to sting, and the pain only grew worse as it continued. Miz yelled, grabbing my shirt. He shoved me against the wall. I cried out in pain as I felt my ribs crack. He let me drop to the floor. But I wouldn’t cry. Instead I began to laugh and smile. This only angered him more. I won’t let him see me cry. “You are such a whore!” Mike yelled, kicking me in the ribs sending the bone chilling sounds of cracking through my body. I whimpered and felt defeated. Swiftly, the weight was thrown off of me. Although my eyes were hazy, I could make out the figure of John on The Miz, and he would probably never be recognizable again. Before the blackness took over my mind I could see a small pool of blood across the floor from me. Then, nothing.

When a person you love breaks your heart, even if they know it or not, it's the hardest thing you could ever go through. No matter how much time has passed, it never really goes away. You may think you're getting better, but then you get a flashback or hear a song that reminds you of a memory, and it hits you all over again, all at once like a stab in the chest. You fall apart for the hundredth time, and you feel like you just want to crawl under a rock a never come out. You love this person with all your heart knowing you shouldn't. They hurt you worse than you've ever been hurt. They stole your happiness but yet, you still want them, and only them. At the end you're still thinking about the person who has left you completely broken. You don't want to love them anymore, but you know you always will.

My eyes fluttered open and I stared up at the ceiling. Not the ceiling of the arena. No. The ceiling of a hospital. I groaned and pain shot up to my eyes and head. I gasped and grabbed onto my head. Tears pricked at my eyes. His beautiful eyes staring me dead down, my heart fluttered then I swear it stopped. I sighed and closed my eyes. Just go back to sleep BreAnna! I don’t wanna be here. I don’t wanna be here. John opened his mouth and the most beautiful words spoken fell from it, “I don’t know…This is so dumb, Um… It’s just that… I don’t think you know how happy you make me. I don’t know how to say what I’m… feeling, and there’s no… no words. And if there is they’re cliché, and if there is they shouldn’t… they shouldn’t exist. Cause… I don’t know, I’m trying to be a philosopher. Love makes you think you’re a philosopher; it makes you think you’re smart.” I smiled and continued for him, “It just makes you feel really deep inside, like an endless, bottomless pit. But it’s really full. It’s like a really full bottomless pit when you feel… I don’t know. See you don’t even know what I’m saying! Love makes you crazy is what it makes you… hell,” I laughed and smiled, “Love makes you crazy. And love makes you think you’re smart, but you’re really just crazy.” He smiled at me.

John leaned down closer to me, “I have always loved you, Ray. I just didn’t know how to tell you or what you would say. But I’m tired of hiding it. Ray, you mean more to me than this career does. Please do me the honour of being my girlfriend Ray. I love you” I smiled and pulled the bed blanket over my head. “Silly, what are you doing?” John said. “I’m debating.” I said and smiled. I popped my head out from under the cover and smirked. “Hey, Johnny. Come here… A lil closer… A bit more… Almost there….” I smiled and Johns face slowly got closer to mine. I let out a deep sigh and put my hands on the sides of his face and pulled his lips to mine. He smiled into the kiss and closed his eyes. What seemed like hours passed as he stood leaning over me, kissing me tenderly. I finally pulled away and noticed we had only been lip locked for a matter of a minute. I giggled and rested my hand on his cheek. I smiled and closed my eyes. “I love you John.” I smiled and looked into his beautiful eyes. “I love you too Ray.”

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