one shot written 4 me

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The trouble with girls is they're a mystery

Something about 'em puzzles me

Spent my whole life trying to figure it out

Just what them girls are all about

The trouble with girls is they're so dang pretty

Everything about 'em does something to me

But I guess that's the way it's supposed to be

It was the day Pony and Johnny came back from Windrexville. I already went with Pony and Two-Bit to see Johnny in the hospital, and it scary. Johnny looked horrible, he was burnt on his arms and neck and had a broken back. I felt real sorry for him.

Now,since Two-Bit and Pony had went to the DX to see Soda and my brother Steve, I was at Darry's house waiting for him to get home. Darry was my best friend and best crush. I had liked him longer than I've liked any of my crushes: two years! It was scary, but I really liked him. He was handsome, strong, and responsible. I don't know how he does it.

I was watching TV, when I heard the door open.I saw Darry, who was in his work clothes and a little sweaty. "I thought you were with Pony and Two-Bit." he said. "I was. I came here after we saw Johnny." I explained briefly. "Well after I get changed, you want me to watch TV with you?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. Darry was always really nice to me for some reason. But I didn't mind since I liked him so much.

He did exactly that.He changed into a black t-shirt which was tucked into his dark blue jeans. He sat by me on the couch and I switched the TV to Mickey Mouse. "Let me guess, Two-Bit got you into him?" he asked. I nodded and he laughed a little. It was weird since we were the only ones here. Especially since we figured everyone would be back by now. But I didn't complain and just let it be. I was glad we were finally alone, it didn't happen often.

They smile that smile

They bat those eyes

They steal you with hello

They kill you with goodbye

They hook you with one touch and you can't break free

Yeah, the trouble with girls is nobody loves trouble as much as me

Then Darry did that yawn and put his arm around me trick.I looked at him funny and he smiled. "You know, I'm just gonna say it. Darcey, I love you. I have ever since I met you. So, will you be my baby?" he said. I was a little shocked. I never expected Darry to be so open about this, and he was asking me out? This had to be the best day ever. "Of course. In fact, I've loved you for a long time too." I said. "Really?" "Really." I smiled, and he leaned down and kissed me. I was a little shocked at first, but instead of stopping the kiss I deepended it.

I wrapped my arms around his neckand he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him. We made out for a while, just enjoying being alone together. Until he stood up, still holding me. I wrapped my legs around him and he carried me to his room. He locked the door and we stayed there for hours, enjoying ourselves.

~*3 Months Later*~

It was three months sinceDarry and I had our magical night together. And also three months since Johnny and Dally died. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know how Pony was managing especially without Johnny, but he must be taking it pretty hard. But right now, I wasn't really thinking about that. I was thinking more about the nausea and sick feeling in my stomach. I had it all day and I had a feeling my breakfast wouldn't stay down.

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