Prizes "Norrington one shot written 4 me on quizilla"

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Name:Darcey Morgan

Looks:tall about 5'9", honey blond hair, grey blue eyes, tan skin

Personality: tomboy, kind, stubborn, funny, uses sarcasm to hide her emotions when she's upset,

Likes: Reading, writing, pirating, rum, Norrington,

Dislikes: orders, Beckett, Elizabeth Swan, formal stuff

Friends:Jack, Will, Pintel and her best friend is Marty(the dwarf)

Enemies: Elizabeth, The Royal Navy, Davy Jones, Cutler Beckett

Crush: James Norrington

One Word To Describe Your Character: firework

Background Notes: she was raised by pirates and met Norrington when he joined the crew of The Black Pearl.


"Alright," Jack said, clapping his (slightly dirty) hands. "Due to the doldrums and bored condition of me crew, I have decided to have a competition."

Darcey looked up from where she was scrubbing the decks. "Competition?" The entire crew was buzzing with excitement.

Jack raised his hand for silence. "Aye, mates, a competition!" He grinned, his gold teeth showing.

"Are there prizes?" asked Gibbs eagerly.

Jack nodded. "There certainly are, mate."

"What do we have to do?" asked James Norrington, suspiciously.

Jack looked at him and grinned. "Former commodore, if I was you, I wouldn't even bother to entre. You've no chance of winning, mate. The winner is the person who can drink the most rum and walk in a straight line afterwards."

"That's not fair," exclaimed Pintel. "You're bound to win."

Jack smiled. "That's the idea, savvy? So, who is with me?"

Darcey raised her hand. Anything that gave her an excuse to stop cleaning the deck... With a defiant expression, James raised his hand. Jack looked round. "No one else?" he demanded, looking surprised.

"There's no point," Gibbs replied, bitterly. "None of us can outdrink you, Cap'n, and we know it."

Jack laughed. His eyes flicked over James and Darcey. "We'll see," he murmured.


James could not stop giggling. He tipped the contents of yet another bottle of rum down his throat. "That's... six," he slurred. "Or is it twelve? I'm seeing double."

"I've matched your six," Darcey said. For some reason, her head was perfectly clear and her wits as sharp as ever. She was enjoying watching the other two get more and more drunk.

Jack had collapsed into a heap on the floor. Darcey grinned. "Looks like he's out of the competition, James. It's just you and me."

James winked cheekily at her. He uncorked another bottle and took a sip. "Can't drink anymore," he spluttered.

To be honest, neither could Darcey. She was starting to feel slightly sick. She and James stood up, and Darcey staggered forwards, landing almost on top of James. Somehow, they managed to keep their balance, but James did not let go of her. His fingers were very warm on her bare arms. He smelt deliciously of rum and ocean waves. His dark blue eyes did not leave her face. Unexpectedly, his hands curved round Darcey's waist, pulling her roughly towards him. "I love you," he murmured. Before Darcey could respond, he covered her lips with his. She was engulfed in a hungry, savage kiss that made her gasp. With a sigh of pleasure, she closed her eyes and let James devour her. He loved her! That thought alone made her want to laugh. And then she had a terrible thought.

He had had six and a half bottles of rum. Could he really be held accountable for what he said? Had he meant it or was it just the rum talking?

Darcey gasped and pushed James away. Their mouths disconnected, and the fiery numb heat was replaced by ice cold air. She longed to pull him back to her and kiss him again, but she didn't. James wasn't capable of it anyway. Already, he was losing his balance, swaying, falling to the ground. Darcey caught him before he fell and gently deposited him on the deck. She found a blanket and tucked it round him before curling up beside him. She looked up at the stars and listened to the sound of James' regular breathing. There was a heavy ache in her heart, because that kiss clearly meant nothing to James. Probably, in the morning, he wouldn't even remember it.


Darcey rolled over and stretched out her hand. To her surprise, her fingers came in contact with smooth, warm flesh. She sat up quickly. The events of last night came back to her. She reached a hand up to her head. She felt as if she was being chopped in half. The rum hadn't affected her at the time, but now she had a splitting headache. "Oooh," she groaned.

James sat up beside her. "Morning, Darcey," he said, cheerfully. "Sleep well?"

Darcey moaned. "How come you don't have a headache and I do, and you were practically unconscious last night?" she demanded.

"I was not unconscious!" replied James.

Darcey looked at him through narrowed eyes. "Do you even remember what happened last night?" She lowered her voice, even though no one was on deck. "Do you remember what we did?"

"Remind me," James said, leaning forwards. Darcey's heart sank. Then she saw the sparkle in his eyes, and knew he was teasing her.

"You do remember!" she whispered. "But did you mean it, James? You weren't just kissing me because you were drunk?"

"I was," James replied, honestly. "I would never have dared to do it otherwise, Darcey. You're so special and I'm not even a commodore anymore. I didn't think you'd want me." He looked down at the uneven floor boards. "Do you want me, Darcey?" His voice was barely audible, and Darcey strained to hear him.

"Oh, James, of course I do!" she exclaimed. He looked hopeful, but disbelieving, and Darcey knew she had to convince him. She knew just how to do that. Placing her hand on his chest, she pushed him down onto the floor. Climbing almost on top of him, she lowered her head until their faces were inches apart. Her blonde hair swished onto the floor as Darcey shut her eyes and leaned in to kiss James. He moaned and wrapped her arms around her neck. Darcey smiled into the kiss and pulled slightly back.

"You know when Jack said there would be prizes?" James said.


"I've got mine now."

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