Be Nice [a James Norrington One Shot] written 4 me on quizilla

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3rd person

Darcey Morgan was sailing to Tortuga with one of her possible fathers, Jack Sparrow. The wind was blowing her long wavy tawny blonde hair. Her sea blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. She stared out to sea, watching the waves role back and forth. Soon the ship came to a stop as the little crew they had, left to go do, whatever it is they do. Darcey, Jack, Will, and Gibbs headed to the local pub to find a crew.

In the pub/1st person Darcey

“Do I know you?” Jack asked a man with shaggy brown hair and a little beard. Jack looked closer and said,”Commodore? Is that you Norrington? You look… different.” So this was James Norrington. Jack told me about him. As did Gibbs and Will. All three of them said he had white hair and hated pirates. Now he’s a pirate himself.

“Who are you,” James asked looking at me.

“Darcey Morgan.”

“How do you know Jack?”

“She,” Jack interrupted,”is my daughter.”

“Correction, possible daughter.” I said.

“I see. Well then, miss Darcey, it was nice to meet you.”

“Same,” I smiled. He seems much nicer than how he was described. He is also much better looking then I thought.

We now had a crew, well more like people that have no clue what they’re doing on the ship. James and I have become great friends. However, I think I might be falling for the man. He cares about me, is sweet, funny, and not to mention, the man is very good looking. I just don’t know if he feels the same way about me.

“Hello Darcey. How are you today?” James asked walking over to me.

“I’m doing good, thank you for asking.”

“You are very welcome.” Our conversation continued all through the day, carrying on into the night. We were now laughing at one of his stories.

“Darcey, may I tell you something?” He asked, becoming very serious. I nodded and soon found his lips on mine. Before I could react, he pulled away. “I’m sorry. I’ve just wanted to do that for a while now.” I smiled at him.

“Good, because I was hoping you would do that for a while.” He smiled and kissed me again. I started to kiss back while I put one hand on his neck bringing him closer, the other getting lost in his hair. He wrapped one arm around my waist, while his other hand was on my back. We pulled away breathless.

“Darcey, would you like to be my girlfriend?”

“I would love to, James.”

“James, do me a favor.” Someone said. We looked over and saw Jack. “Be nice to her.”

“You don’t need to worry, Jack.”

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