A Show You Won't Forget ***A Niall Horan One Shot*** written 4 me

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Breanna caught the football with ease tossing it right back to Niall. “Ya know for a girl your pretty good at this.” “Growing up with my dad I just got into sports and what not.” Breana wasn’t your typical girl she was a tomboy. She had been touring with One Direction, she was discovered on YouTube singing and playing the piano. At awards she wore converse with her dresses, she was tall so she felt like she didn’t need to wear heels. The only draw back was her blonde hair and blue eyes were too girly for her.

“Niall! Breanna! Get inside were about to leave!” Harry shouted from the bus. Both you and Niall had a race to get inside. Niall and Breanna headed to the back room, Breanna pulled out her pencils and sketchbook. She pulled out her last sketch, which was of Niall. He sat on a chair and pulled out his guitar as Breanna started to sketch him outlining his jaw first.

Niall started to sing a bit while strumming his guitar. “You’re good…ya know that?” He smiles and continues to sing. “Breanna are you reading to do our web cast with us?!” Louis shouted from the front of the bus. She had forgotten that she promised the boys she’d be in this month’s web cast. All 6 crowded onto the small couch, Harry was squished almost on top of Louis, Liam had one leg on top of Louis and his butt almost all the way on Zayn, and Niall was squished against Breanna and Zayn.

Breanna adjusted the camera as the chat started to go. Harry was the fist to speak. “Hey everyone it’s 1D here.” “With our special guest…. Breanna Findley!” Louis finished. “You guys have already had the chance to ask us questions and stuff so now it’s time to ask Bre some questions.” Zayn looked at the chat messaging section. “This is a good one, out of all the boys who is the cutest?” Breanna bit her lip and looked around the look. “Ya know, It’s hard to pick, I mean Harry has his cute curls, Zayn is that ‘bad boy’ type, Liam has flippy hair, Louis…. well he’s Louis, as for Niall we’ll he has the perfect blue eyes and perfect blonde hair.” Breanna looked at all the boys all of them had a little bit of flushed cheeks. “oooo I like this one!” Louis said, “Who was your first boyfriend?” This was a hard one for Breanna to answer.

“Well…with my dad moving around a lot it was hard to ya know have a stable relationship, don’t get me wrong I’ve went to dances and everything but never had a boyfriend.” The 6 of them continue to answer the fans.

“Hey Brianna.” Harry said as he was preparing to go to bed. “Yes Harry?” she responded back. “Does that mean that you’ve never kissed a guy before?” “I guess so…yea.” Harry chuckled and cupped his hands around his mouth “Hey everybody! Breanna is the new virgin of the bus!” The boys laughed and chuckled. Breanna rolled her eyes.


The last show of the tour was tonight and everyone was pumped, Breanna was the performing act. All the performers, stage crew, producers gathered in a circle. Louis was always the one leading the group “Thank you everyone for making this happen, this has been a great experience so let’s go out there have fun and make this an unforgettable concert.” Everyone cheered as Louis finished. “Good luck Brenna!” All the boys cheered as Breanna started making an entrance to the stage as she did the crowd went wild. “Hello Brooklyn!!” Breanna shouted in her mic as she started her first song.


“Now we would like to call a good friend of ours back onto the stage, she has been the best tour mate we could have asked for. She’s funny, sweet, and beautiful…give a hand for Breanna Findley!” Niall said pointing to the stage entrance where Brianna entered with her mic. “I think you all know the most popular one direction song.” Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun The crowed clapped and cheered prepared to sing along. As One Direction sang and Breanna sang with them the crowed just kept going wild.

“That was some show.” Zayn said. “Agreed.” Louis answered. Harry and Liam were passed out in the back and Niall was almost fast asleep on Brianna’s lap. “Awe look!” Louis said as Brianna started to stroke Niall’s hair. She had in her earbuds so she couldn’t hear anything they were saying. “So cute.” Zayn said with a slight smirk.

~~3 months later~~

Right after the tour everything was back to normal, The boys and Brianna were back in the studio, doing there own thing. However, they still had Friday night movie nights. Brianna and Niall were always flirting with each other but never seemed to admit that they liked each other although all the boys knew they liked each other.

The MTV music awards were that night. Breanna went to the extent of wearing a dress, but still wore her old faded converse. Breanna sat next to Niall and the end seat. The next award was coming up. “Winning tonight for best summer tour is…One Direction featuring Breanna Findley!” As the 6 of them stood up Niall’s hand was at the back of Breanna’s back slowly pushing her forward. Louis took the award and started the speech. “Wow thanks…” He dragged on about thanking everyone but all Breanna could focus on was Niall. “And these 2 lovebirds oh my goodness!” Zayn said as the crowd left. Niall then stood up to the mic. “He’s right…Breanna was a great addition to the tour, and you know…jeeze.” Niall got down on one knee as Breanna looked happy, scared, and really confused. “Breanna will you be my girlfriend?” Louis squealed and Breanna well she laughed.

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