Aro Volturi one shot written for me on quizilla

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BreAnna Swan pushed her dirty-blonde hair from her face, smiling, as she watched her Faternal Twin hug who she loved.

BreAnna bit her lip slightly, wondering when she would get something like her sister had, if everyone found their true love, she had to hold onto the hope the one she loved loves her back, though she had thought that Aro was too concieted to notice much of her existance.

Felix and Demitri had walked out, about to try and start something,

"That's enough!" A sharp voice demands.

Everyone spins to the owner of the voice, who was a thin, and rather short blonde, Jane.

BreAnna rolled her eyes angirly to Jane, who she really disliked.

To her, Jane was sadistic, taking pleasure in many people's pain, which was just everything she stood against.

"Aro needs to see you" She says, her eyes a piercing red color, one that would bore through your heart, seeping in your pain with much pleasure.

BreAnna looks to her sister, with worry.

"If anything happens, you call me" BreAnna insists.

"Well, you'll only be a quick holler away because he needs you too" Jane snappeed.

BreAnna bit her lip, trying to hold back the many comebacks that seared through her mind.

They stode through large hallway, which much resembled a large musuem.

Coming to a rather large elevator, they had stepped in.

"Wow. This elevator music is really lame" BreAnna thinks, her heart thumping in her chest rapidly, with her mind playing out all the possible outcomes of events that could happen.

Slowly, the elevator opens, revealing another, long, hallway.

"How many hallways does this place have?" BreAnna asks saracatically, matching her pace with her sisters.

"Over 100," Edward replies, taking the question to literal.

"Good going genius" BreAnna replies, looking over to her sister, who seemed to be internally panicing.

"You gonna be okay?" BreAnna asks, her voice draped with pure concern.

"Yeah," Bella lies through her teeth.

"You're a bad liar" BreAnna jokes, causing them to laugh a bit.

They came across a Spanish speaking woman,

"Hola," The woman says, with a rather annoying smile on her face.

"Uh.... Hola?" Bella replies, a little freaked out.

The woman says something in Spanish, and they quickly brush past her.

"Is she human?" Bella asked, puzzled by her.

"Yes" Edward replies, very briefly, as if something wieghed heavily on his mind.

"Did she want to?" BreAnna asks, with curiousity.

"Yes she did, and dinner she shall come" Jane states, with a rather wicked smile.

They came into a large room, three men sitting in each chair,one in the front had specifiaclly caught her eye.


Aro had explained some things to Edward, and the to Bella.

There was a long pause in between his comment, and they had turned on their heels to exit, when his voice, loud, dark, and extremely demanding stated,


His voice broke through the silence like a dagger through the ice.

She turned on her heel, to stare face to face with him.

"Yes, your majesty" She replied, rolling her eyes sarcastically.

"As a request," He begins, snubbily, "But certaintly not a demand"

"Because I take demands from people" BreAnna intrrupts.

Aro shoots her a look of displeasure, and annyoance, but continues on with what he had said.

"I would like you to stay with us" He states.

"Yes" She replies, but slaps her hand loudly over her mouth.

There was a moment of silence, a rather stunned silence.

Aro smirked a devious smirk.

"Very well" He says, "Felix will lead you to your room"

Being pushed away, she looked regretfully back to her sister, who mouthed "Good Luck" To her.


Nearly a week passed, and BreAnna had grown specifically close to Felix and Hiedi, yet Aro and her had exchanged very few words with eachother, which really drove her insane.

"I don't get why I'm here" BreAnna tells them, as the pain-stakingly slow ride downthe elevator.

Humming to the elevator music, BreAnna stepped out, watching Jane pass by, which Jane gave her a smirk of satisfaction.

"That's right bitch, runaway" She says to her, biting her lip down, to prevent herself from saying anything else.

"We have buisness to attend to" Felix says, turning the courner sharply, avoid Aro who seemed to be fuming.

BreAnna pushed her medium, Diry-Blonde hair back slightly, and pushed past Aro, slightly bumping into him.

"Watch where you're going" He snaps angirly.

"No" She states, standing her ground, "You need to not invite someone you don't need" She snaps angirly, storming out to the forest.


BreAnna's footsteps had echoed loudly, rustling loudly through the first fallen leaves of fall, representing the beginning of the new.

Something jumped on her back, it's hands coiling around her neck, gagging her.

Her face turned purple, from the lack of oxygen, as she rammed him against a rough tree.

"Bitch" She breaths, ramming him against the tree again.

Breathing a huge breath of fresh air, the heavy weight of the man was released from her.

She turned on her heel to view the one who had saved her, to her dismay was Aro.

Aro was leaning over the man, his hand on each side of his face, the vampire turning to stone, quickly before snapping his head off.

"My Knight in Shinging armor" She teases, looking at him, with his raven-black hair and his blood red eyes.

"Damsel in Distress" He retorts, surprisingly giving off a small smile of entetainment.

"Why'd you save me?" She asks curiously.

"Because, it was in my best merit for myself to" He says rather softly, showing a hint of compassion, which had thrown BreAna ff gaurd.

"Gonna eat me?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest with a huff.

"No ..." He trails off ... starring a little longer than planned at her.

"Stare much?" She asks, rather happily, "What merit do I have to you?" She asks curiosly.

Very plainly he says, "One would not take the one they love off the Earth"

Her face tuns red as she nodds in agreement, showing that she returns the feelings.

Leaning in, he kisses her, which had probably been the first in of the Voulturi.

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