THANKS 1Dluver

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Breanna POV

great just great!! i did i even robbed the stupid store?? i dont even know my self but i was just bored so yeah.. 

hey i'm breanna, 19, my mum's a work alhocolic and i dont even know where my dad is... I tried finding him but everything i saw was all lies!! well thats what my mum says...

so now i'm in jail for robbing a stupid grocery store... ikr?? i didnt even knew that there were cops in the cafe next to the store.. as i ran out of that freaking store those effing cops caught me... Karma's a B!tch!! now that i'm in jail the cops will be asking me questions which is stupid... 

" what's your name?? " asked this old guy cop ewww...! what the hell is he wearing???!?!? wait.. he look familiar... nah that cant be i never have seen this dude... what the hell??? " breanna dinozzo " i said getting bored already " you do know you will be in here for 6 months right???" he said " i dont care.. what's your surname anyway?? " I asked he looked suprised " Dinozzo why??" he said confused " well i asked you that cuz I'm looking for my dad and you have the same surname as me.... what do you think??" i said wait... he has the same surname as me.. wtf??? F!ck!! i know where i have seen him... he was in the picture with me when i was 4 ... how the F!ck dares he can leave me and mom?!?! " oh.. so.. the vitnesses say that you robbed the shop.. is it true?? " he said " dude!! you and you officer whatever caught me!! as you were in the cafe next door!!" idiots.. how can he forget... i understand he might be in his 50s but can you forget things easly at that age?? "i asked is it true?" "gheesh man!! you forget things easly!! like you had a daughter... 15 years ago you left someone for someone else! and yes i DID robbed the stupid store!!" i said then i realised what i just said shit shit shit!! what now... " how do you know that??? i dont even know you and you know that?? " haha!! looks like he addmits " so you addmit it??" i said " yes i do addmit" man!! this guy is too easy to crack!!! haha!!!! " but how do you know it??? " he said shit he's on to me i think?? " cuz i have a friend who is looking for her father after the surname Dinozzo " nice lets lie even more now..xD

after the thing what its called where your lawyer and the other dude fight that if i'm innocent or guilty.. i saw my mum looking at me sad that if i'm guilty that i wont see her for few months..i just starte crying... i looked at the picture where when i was 4 which had me my mum and 'dad' after the case was closed and they said i'm innocent.. i just ran to hug my mum... we started talking when i felt someone touch my shoulder i turned  around and Gibs was there " whatcha want??" i asked " i want to be back in yours and your mums life..." i looked at mum and she had tears in her eyes " mum what is he talking about??" i asked " honey he is your dad" she said " wait wha??? i thought he was but i just didnt want to know the truth....." i said " what your mum just said is the truth honey " what??!??!?! so he actually is my dad... after some weeks i got used to himbeing my dad once i called him dad!!  so now me and mum are happy that he is back... which is awesome!! sometimes i think that i cant believe that he is my dad... he is just too good for a dad cuz he buys us gifts like yesterday he bought me an ipad2 and an iphone4 which is awesome... he got mum her fav perfume and an new phone as well.. so now we live happy ever after!! =]


so this my 2nd written one shot!! XD sorry Breanna for not uploading it.. but lately i'm just busy.. i have my first exam next friday and its in spanish!! i dont even know why i pivked it and blahblah!1 ok here it is!! i hope yo liked it!! 

love ya all!!

Diana <3

P.S i coudnt believe how much reads the old best friend got!! it was such a big suprise that people actually read it.. thanks to those peeps who read it and i really apreaciated it!!

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