Chapter 5- School day

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Jacobs pov

I wake up around 5:00. I realize I'm still at Chesney's house... what do I do?? I wake her up and tell her that I need to go.
"Good morning" I say as I shake her awake.
"It's earlyyy" she says.
"I need to go, I accidentally stayed here all night!" I say in a sort-of a panic.
"Get your school stuff and come back, we need to walk to school together." She says. Her voice is beautiful even if she's sleepy.
"Okay" I say as I go out. I quickly run across the street, unlock the door and run to my room. My mom usually doesn't care if I spend the night at friends houses so it's all good. I grab my backpack, change my clothes and fix my hair. I go back over to Chesney's and walk in. I go up to her room and she is putting on her makeup.
"Why do you need to mess with perfection?" I say in a flirty way, hoping she turns around. She doesn't.
"What are you saying? I think you have the wrong house." She says, giggly.
"I definitely have the right one" I say as I walk over to her and hug her.
"Let's take the bus" she says, changing the subject.
"Alright, you can meet some of my friends." I say.
**we walk on the bus**

Chesney sits down at a seat and I sit with her. She chooses the back. No one is on the bus except for us. She looks at me, in the eye.
"Can I ask you a question?" She says.
"I suppose, I won't stop you." I say.
"Are we like, a couple? She asks. I think for a minute. I really just want to scream yes, but I'm not sure.
"We are whatever you think we are, I would say couple though." I say, kinda shyly. I realize I'm blushing.
"Okay then we're a couple." She says.
We get to school and the hours go bye, I sit with her at lunch and she meets a couple friends, but mainly stays with me. We have just about every class together and she sits with me for some. In others, she seems really flirty with other guys and it makes me a little jealous because we haven't like announced we're dating or anything.
One thing that really bothers me, though is that she talks to mark A LOT. We used to be pretty close friends until he started drama and called me "Hollywood". Sometimes I think he's jealous but I'm not sure.
Chesney and I walk home together. She grabs my hand, I hold hers. We walk home that way. I try to hide a big smile but I doesn't work, she makes me so happy! I've never felt this way about someone and she is crazy beautiful. I drop her off at her house and I walk into mine.

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