Chapter 18

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Chesney's pov
  Once we get to the grille, we walk in and see Hailey and Hunter. We put another table against Hailey and Hunter and sit with them.
  "So how's y'alls relationship going?" Hailey asks Jacob and I.
  "THEYRE GOALS!!" Weston yells.
  "We're going to get kicked out!" I sass and elbow Weston in the ribcage.
  "McScuse me bitch?" Weston says with his hand on his hip.
  "That's right."

  Once our food comes, we begin to eat. I got a small salad, jus cause. Hunter and Weston got cheeseburgers, Hailey got noodles and Jacob got a slice of pizza.
  "Are you serious?" Jacob asks me, looking at my plate. I ate just about half of the salad and I'm done.
  "What?" I ask, giving Jacob one of those 'I have no idea what you're talking about' looks.
  "Never mind." Jacob says.
  I then hear my phone go off, it's a text from Jacob
Jacob 😘💯: we're talking when we get home.
  I look at Jacob and he just gives me a weak smile.

  We finish up our meal and say bye to Hunter and Hailey. Then, Weston, Jacob and I start to go home. I hope Jacob isn't mad.

  Once we get home, Weston sits in the couch.
  "We'll be right back." Jacob says and takes me upstairs to my room.
  "Why aren't you eating?" Jacob says sternly.
  "What do you mean? I just ate a salad."
  "Stop. Why aren't you eating?" Jacob says, I've never seen him like this and it made me nervous. He's obviously worried. I break into tears. Jacob wraps me in his arms with a warm hug.
  "Well... Do you want me to tell you the whole story?" I ask him.
  "Of corse baby, I'll listen to it all." He answers. I let out a sigh.
"Okay, so you know my ex boyfriend?"
"After he spread those rumors, people hated me. They called me names like slut and whore but I didn't care about those. What really got to me was when they called me fat." Fat. That word repeated in my brain. I look at Jacob, a tear drops down my cheek.
My tears hit the floor. I dig my face into Jacobs chest as I go on.
"People called me that and then I started reducing what I ate. Looking at the calories became a normal thing. I never went out to eat because I didn't know how many calories were going into my body. It got bad. Real bad. Sometimes, I ate every couple days. Sometimes, I only ate every other day. It got bad, I had to go to the hospital. They gave me a feeding tube and I hated it. I was extremely underweight but I didn't stop.
I finally gained enough weight to leave the hospital. I gained some more and then we came here. I've been eating more but it hurts. Every bite I take makes me think I'm giving up all the work I put into me." I finish. Jacob is now in tears.
"You need to gain weight to live, you know that right?" Jacobs voice cracks.
"Yeah I know." I say. Jacob looks me in the eyes and just kisses me. I kiss back, of corse. I feel strong sparks. He pulls away and gives me the best hug ever.
Man, I love this boy.
We both settle down and go downstairs and see Weston is watching good luck Charlie.
"Hey, do you wanna film a video? I'm going to tweet out to give us dares to do." Weston says.
"Sure!" I say.
"Let's do it." Jacob says and claps his hands together.

We do some easy dares.
"Okay I'm going to just pick a random tweet with my eyes closed." Weston says. He scrolls down the feed on #askwestonandjasney and lands on one. He reads it aloud.
  "Weston I dare you to kiss Chesney." He says. I look at him, then at Jacob. Everyone's cheeks are bright red. Jacob whispers in my ear
  "Just do it. I'm going to act jealous for the video." He says. I whisper the same thing to Weston.
  We both lean in. Our lips touch. A spark? No. He isn't like Jacob. I kiss Weston longer, to see if I feel anything. I feel something small. That's it, I pull away and Weston smiles. I smile back. I see Jacob storm off out of the corner of my eye. Weston grabs the camera.

Jacobs pov
  Hell yeah I'm mad, but I don't want Chesney to know. I guess they think I'm a good actor.
  Chesney runs up after me.
  "Jacob!" She yells. That kiss lasted longer than I expected. She hugs me. Weston sees we need to talk so he just leaves. He keeps the camera in the room.
  "I only kissed longer to see if I could feel what I feel with you. I wanted to know if when I kiss you, it's the real deal." Chesney explains.
  "Did you feel anything?" I ask.
  "No. Jacob, I love you and I only want you."
  "Thanks."  I say. We get up and go interwind our fingers. Chesney grabs the camera and goes downstairs.

  We finish filming the videos. Weston goes into my room and Chesney and I go into hers. The house is really hot. I see Chesney changing into a crop top and shorts. I see every single one of her ribs. She's beautiful but she needs to gain weight. She looks like she's dying.
  Chesney lays down with me and puts her head on my chest while I play with her hair. I then wrap my arms around her waist and put my chin on the top of her head and we both drift off to sleep.

Weston's pov
  I can't stop thinking about that kiss. I like Chesney a lot but I didn't feel anything. A tear drips down my cheek because I realize that Chesney isn't the one. I just want to find someone who can love me back. I just want someone.

OMG HEY GUYS!! I can't believe we hit 5.7k reads!!! I'm so happy. I just want to thank you all for the love and support you're giving me. All the nice comments make my day, even if I'm feeling like complete shit. You have no idea how happy you've made me!
  My next goal is 6.1k reads, I think we can do it!!!
Word count: 1078 words.

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