Chapter 29

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~ Chesney's pov ~
  I wake up and see Mark is still sleeping. He's adorable, his hair is all messy. I get out of bed and put on clothes and go downstairs make some waffles for everyone. I cut up a couple strawberries for me. I hear my phone go off.

Jacob💕😏: I'm up, why did you go to Hailey's?
Chesney: She invited me over, it's only Hailey, Hunter, Mark and I.
Jacob💕😏: Okay, do you know what time you'll be home?
Chesney: I don't know, sometime tonight.
Jacob: Okay, I'll see you then.

  I just read it and finished making breakfast. I hear some footsteps behind me and turn around to see Mark.
"Hey gorgeous" he says in his raspy voice.
"Good morning" I say and put the waffles on the table.
"You made these?" Mark asks, pointing at the waffles.
"No, they just got delivered by Bob Duncan" I say, casually.
"Oh, okay." He answers.
"Idiot." I say and sit across from him.
"You eating?" He asks.
"I already ate." I lie.
"You sure?"
"I think I can remember if I eat."
"I don't believe you." Mark says, sternly.
"Well that sucks because I did."
"You're a horrible liar." He says. "Come on, eat a waffle!" Mark says, waving it in my face.
  "I'm not hungry!" I say.
  "You need to eat though." He answers.
  "Well maybe I don't want to."
  "Chesney. When's the last time you ate a full meal, with like a filled plate?"
  "Umm I don't know, like two days ago?" I answer. I eat small snacks throughout the day, not meals.
  "Ches, I'm worried about you, I don't want you to end up in the hospital." Mark says, holding both of my hands.
  "I'm sorry, Mark. I just can't gain any weight." I say. He doesn't understand, I don't think anyone does.
  "Please? Just eat at least a full meal every day. You might not feel like you're suffering, but your body is. I know you're underweight and you shouldn't be loosing any." Mark says, I just grab a waffle and eat it with my hands and sit on the couch. Mark finishes up and sits next to me.
  "So... What do you wanna do today?" He asks like a little kid.
  "I'm not sure. Do you wanna just hang out at the park?" I ask.
  "Okay, we can wait for Haile-"
  "No, we can go alone." I interrupt. I text Hailey and tell her we're at the park if she needs us. We head out to the park.

~ Haileys pov~
  I wake up next to Hunter, he's adorable. I shake him and he slowly opens his eyes.
"Morning gorgeous" he says, slowly sitting up.
"Good morning" I say. I check my phone. Chesney texted me and said she'll be at the park with Mark if we need her.
"Looks like we have some time alone." I say, showing Hunter the text. He smirks at me.
"Perv" I say and walk downstairs to the kitchen. I see waffles, Chesney must have made them. She always cooks but only eats a little. She's one really good cook.
I see Hunter walk down the stairs as I grab a waffle and eat it.
"I'm surprised Chesney hasn't broken up with Jacob." I say while Hunter sits down. He shakes his head.
"Jacob used to be a huge fuckboy, I wonder why he hasn't screwed her over yet." Hunter answers.
"You wanna ask him? We can invite him over, Chesney will probably be with Mark for a while." I say.
We finish up our breakfast and call Jacob. He comes over.
"Hey, where's Chesney and Mark?" Jacob says as he walks into the house.
"They went to the park, we want to talk to you though." I say and pat the seat next to me on the couch. Hunter sits on one side of me and Jacob sits of the other.
"Okay, what about?" Jacob asks. I look at Hunter and he gives me one of those 'keep talking this was your idea in the first place' look.
"Well we wanted to ask about Chesney, you used to always have a new girlfriend. Now, you've kept Chesney, why?" I ask. Jacob shrugs.
"I don't know, there's just something about her that makes me wanna hold on. I'm used to dating around, and I only was with Jess because I forgot about Chesney and how much I love her. I feel awful, obviously. I just don't wanna loose her." Jacob says. I look at Hunter and he smiles. Jacob might finally settle down for one girl.

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated, I had a family emergency. Now, everything is going back into place. My grandma is home now, thank God. Thanks for all the support!! You guys make me so happy and I never thought I would be here. Thanks for 24.9k!! My new goal is 25.5k, can we do it?

My qotd (question of the day) is, do you guys play any sports? I play basketball and softball.
Word count: 847 words.

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