Chapter 28

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I wake up around 9am and see Jacob out of the bed.
"Good mornin!" I say.
"Morning beautiful. Ready to go home?" Jacob says in his morning voice.
"Yeah." I answer.
"Still mad?" He asks me.
"Sorta. Not really mad, just upset." I answer.
"How many times do I have to say sorry before you forgive me??"
"You don't need to. You just need to gain my trust back." I answer.
"Alright..." Jacob answers. He packs up his stuff and I get dressed and also pack.
"But you know that I still love you right?" I say after a while, breaking the silence.
"I guess" Jacob sighs. I decide to just put in my earbuds. We get an uber for the trip to the airport.
At the airport, we wait for a while and then our flight gets called. We walk to the plane and eventually board it.
"Do you want the window seat?" Jacob asks me as we sort of just look at our seats. (We're totally normal)
"Yes please, thank you." I tell him and sit down by the window. I listen to music and after a while, I feel Jacobs hand brush against mine. I grab it and look over at him, the biggest smile grows on his face.
In a little bit, the plane gets all bumpy and I realize we're landing. I look over at Jacob, who is asleep, and I gently shake him. His eyes open and he looks at me.
"We're in Virginia!" I whisper.
"Okay." Jacob says, sitting up.

**skip ride home**

Once we get home, I unpack upstairs. Jacob just sits on the couch on his phone. I watch Netflix alone in my room.
At like 10pm I hear Jacob go up to his room. He closes the door. I wait until 11:30 and then I pack a bag full of clothes for the next few nights and write a note for Jacob. It says

Jacob, I'm over at Haileys. I'm not mad, she just invited me over last second. Text me when you get up!

Now it's time to head out! I walk over to her house and just walk in.
"I'm home!!" I yell.
"And I'm Hailey" she yells from the living room. I walk in and see Hailey and Hunter on one couch, and Mark on the other one. I sit down next to Mark.
"Alright, spill." Hailey says sternly.
"Well, when we got to Disney, Jacob hurried up and left the hotel without even unpacking. I told him I would call him when I'm done and he ran out. After I finished unpacking, I called Jacob. He told me to meet him at the food court so I grabbed my phone and left. Once o got there, I saw him sitting with a girl. She gave me a dirty look and then kissed him. The worst part was that he kissed back and didn't break the kiss until I was like 'what the hell Jacob?' and he looked at me. I just ran back to the hotel and packed my stuff. I left him a note, I was going to go back to Maine. I was walking out the door and then Jacob ran into me." I say and explain the rest up until now. Hailey, Hunter and Mark just kinda gasped, I don't think that they thought Jacob would do such a thing.
"Do you want me to kick his ass?" Hailey asks. I let out a small laugh.
Mark gives me a hug and rubs my back. Mark is honestly so nice. I know he will always be here for me.
"Well how about we do something to get your mind off Jacob?" Hailey suggests.
"Let's watch a movie!" Hunter says and jumps up and down.
"Sounds good to me, do you want to?" Mark asks me, putting an arm around my waist.
"I'm in." I say and grab my MacBook. Everyone crowds around it, Mark and Hailey are next to me and Hunter is on the other side of Hailey.
"Okay, what movie?" I ask.
"I like the taking of Deborah Logan." Mark says.
"Ohh, that ones good!" Hunter says.
"Yeah let's do it!!" Hailey answers. I press the movie and sit the MacBook down on an eye- level table so we can all see.
The movie isn't super scary at first, but it gets worse and worse. I cuddle up next to Mark. He puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. I like Mark, he's my guy best friend. If Jacob did anything else to me, I know Mark will always be here to lend out a helping hand.
By the time the movie is over, Mark and I are all cuddled up and Hailey and Hunter are basically in a knot. I get up.
"Do you want to go to the guest room?" I ask Mark. He nods his head. Hailey and Hunter head up to her room and do who knows what. I go upstairs into the guest room and change into my pajamas. Mark comes in from the bathroom and we lay down.
"You know, I can sleep on the floor. Jacob would be really mad if he found out we slept in the same bed." Mark says.
"It's fine, Jacob won't find out." I say. Mark and I talk for a while, about relationships and my trip to Disney, about my life in Maine and the people who hated me. Mark tells me about his dad that left and his best friend who killed himself. We both ended up crying together. I get a little hot and I take off my sweatshirt without thinking about the recent cuts on my wrist. He looks at my arms, and slowly grabs my left wrist. I put my right hand over my mouth in shock, why did I have to take off my sweatshirt?
Mark traces his fingers on my scars, then kisses my wrist. I just watch him. He looks up at me, more tears in his eyes.
"Why?" He whispers.
"I wasn't thinking..." I answer. "I guess I thought no one was there for
"Promise me you won't do it again?" He asks, looking me in the eye.
"Mark... I don't want to make a promise that I can't keep." I answer.
"Please. Chesney, I love you like a sister. I don't care who knows it. I know you like Jacob but I don't care. I don't need to date you, hell, you don't even have to give a shit about me. Just promise you won't do it again." Mark cries.
"I promise." I whisper. This is why I never show people or tell anyone about my depression, I don't want to have to make any promises. Mark gives me a big hug and kisses me on the cheek.
"I love you Mark." I tell him. "I love you like a brother."
"I love you too, Chesney." Mark answers.
With that, I turn out the lights and go to sleep with Mark by my side.

Word count: 1,238 words
Thanks for 22.3k!! My new goal is 22.6k 😊 So... how was it? I was like on the verge of tears when I was writing this. I'm going to do question of the day (qotd) now so that I can interact with you guys more!
Qotd- Do you guys like longer or shorter chapters?

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