Chapter 20

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Chesney's pov
Jacob, Weston and I walk to the mall. We go to the food court and just look at the different girls. I point out some but Weston just shakes his head no. He is slumped down in his chair.
"Alright. Weston isn't in the mood, let's go home." I say, getting up.
"Wait... let's watch a movie." Jacob says and grabs my shoulder.
"Weston?" I ask.
"You guys can go, I'm just going to go home." Weston says.
"Okay, see you then." Jacob says and starts off.
"Wait, Weston are you sure?" I ask grabbing Jacobs hand so he can wait.
"Yeah. I'm fine, Chesney." Weston says and turns around and walks off. That's not normal.
"What's up with you?" Jacob asks, sounding annoyed.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"You're more worried about Weston and what he wants them you are with me. You are doing whatever he wants and not even asking me me what I want to do. If you like him, just tell me." Jacob says.
"I didn't know I was acting like that, why didn't you speak up earlier?"
"Because you would have gotten mad. You think you can be all flirty with every guy but me. Hell, you didn't even mind kissing Weston. You would have even if I said no, you would be like 'come on, don't be so jealous' well at least I care about keeping my girlfriend. You obviously don't care, you have three guys chasing after you." Jacob snaps back, raising his voice.
"Okay... you're right. I'm just going to um... go home. You can watch that movie if you want, I just need some alone time." I say, turn around and walk off. A tear drops down my face. I take a glance back and see Jacob is still standing right where he was, watching me go away. He doesn't come after me, he just stands there.
Once I get home I go upstairs and call Hailey right away.
"Hey, what's up?" She says.
"Jacob and I just got in a fight." I say.
"I'll be there in 3 minutes to pick you up." She says and hangs up. I pack a bag and throw it down the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Weston asks from Jacobs room.
"Haileys, you'll be home alone with Jacob tonight. Try not to rip his throat out." I say.
"Okay mom. Did you guys get in a fight or something?" He asks.
"Sort of. He'll probably tell you about it." I say.
"Okay, bye." Weston says and waves. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch.
"ALRIGHT BITCH. YOURE CONJNG TO MY HOUSE AND WE WILL GET EVERYTHING SORTED OUT I PROMISE." I hear Hailey yell as she walks right in, she doesn't knock because we are basically sisters now. She grabs my bag and walks out the door so I follow.
Right when we walk in the door, I see Hunter, Brandon and Mark. I smile.
"Up to my room." Hailey says and I follow. I sit on her chair and she sits on her bed.
"Spill." She says.
Once I'm done telling her everything, she just looks at me.
"He loves you, he's going to come crawling back by the end of tomorrow." Hailey says. I smile.
We go downstairs. I sit in between Mark and Brandon.
"You don't have to tell me." Brandon says and hugs me. Mark and Brandon both put an arm around me, I smile. These are the friends that I need to stay with forever.

Jacobs pov
I just let her walk away. I was too choked up to stop her. I should have.
I get some fro-yo and head home, thinking about how to apologize to Chesney.
I open the door and look in the living room. She's not there. Her room? Not there. Bathroom? Nope.
"Hey Weston do you know where Chesney is?" I ask and go into my room.
"She's sleeping over at a friends." Weston says.
"Oh okay." I say and start to walk out.
"Wait... What happened?" Weston asks. I explain.
"Oh... sorry if I made you mad." Weston says.
"Naw, you're good. Do you wanna go live?" I ask.
"Sure." Weston says.

We go live for a while, I actually really like him. I didn't really like him that much at first but I guess I was wrong.

Back to back updates? I think yes. I love all the support and we are getting big, so I decided to update again for you. Goal: 8k views
Word count- 764 words

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