Chapter 37

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Chesney's pov

  We walk to the woods and then the pond.
  "Do you have you phone?" he asks.
  "Yeah I always do." I say as if it's obvious.
  "Oh okay, I was wondering if you wanted to go on the boat."
  "We still can, I know you won't flip it." I smile. Jacob nods and we get on the boat, taking turns paddling. We stop in the middle and Jacob just stares at me and smiles.
  "You're perfect." He compliments.
  "Thanks, you're cute." I say and squeeze his cheeks.
  "I know a lot of stuff has been going on, and we aren't the perfect couple, but I love you and I hope you'll stick around because I don't know what I'd do without you." Jacob says.
  "Trust me, I'll be here until you get tired of me." I laugh. I hear ruffling in the bushes and see Kyle.
  "Hey, what are y'all working on, is this your third baby?" He insults.
  "You can leave Kyle, I'm done with your shit!" I snap. "What are you going to do anyways? It's not like you have a boat!" I yell.
  "Whatever. You guys are disgusting and everyone's life would be better if you both died!" He yells and walks away. Jacob is looking down, so I lift his chin up with my fingers. He has tears in his eyes.
  "Hey, don't listen to him. I love you! You can't let that jerk bring you down. It's not worth it! Baby, you're my everything and I hate to see you like this. Stay strong, stay strong for me okay?" I say and grab Jacobs hand. He nods and puts his head on my shoulder. I play with his hair and start to hear him crying.
  "Baby, it's okay. Kyle doesn't know what he's talking about." I whisper in his ear.
  "I know, it's not just Kyle though. I'm worried about my mom. She hasn't texted me back and I'm pretty sure she's home. She read it a couple minutes after I sent it and while we were walking to the park I saw her car in the driveway. I love her and I didn't mean anything I said, maybe she does hate me and she'd be better off without me." Jacob says.
  "She doesn't hate you. I'll text her and tell her how sorry you are. It's all going to be okay, I promise." I say and he traces circles on my arm.
  "I want to tell her in person. Let's go to the house and knock on the door, if she doesn't answer you can text her." Jacob says after a couple minutes.
  "Okay." I say, I don't know how well this is going to work out but if Jacob wants to he should get to.

Time skip

  "Jacob!" His mom yells as she opens the door and gives him a huge hug.
  "Didn't you get my text? And I'm so so so sorry mom. I didn't mean a word I said." Jacob says.
  "I got your text and came home. I didn't answer because I didn't know what to say, I was so shocked about what your father did. I'm sorry, I love you so much and I can't believe he hurt you. I made him leave as soon as I came home." She says and let's go of the hug.
  "I love you too. We're going to stay at Haileys one more night just to be with the crew. We'll see you tomorrow evening." Jacob says and we wave and start walking back to Hailey's.
  "Well that went a lot better than expected." I comment as Jacob grabs my hand.
  "Defiantly." He says. We walk into Haileys house and see Mark, Brando, Amber, Hunter and Hailey watching a movie.
  "What movie?" I ask as Jacob and I squeeze onto a reclining chair, the only seat left.
  "Oculus" Hunter says as he shoves a handful of popcorn in his mouth. Hailey has her head on his chest and he has an arm draped around her shoulder. They'e the cutest couple ever, no doubt.
  Mark is sitting on the other side of the couch and Brandon and Amber are on another reclining chair squished together.
  The movie is pretty scary, I bet Hunter chose it, he loves scary movies.

Time skip

  Once the movie is over, everyone gets up.
  "Let's go get ice cream!" Brandon suggests as he grabs Amber's hand.
  "Okay, let's do it!" Hunter yells.
  "Calm down!" Hailey says and nudges him with her elbow.
  "Let's go." Jacob says and grabs my hand. We basically sprint to the ice cream parlor, which is only like 3 blocks away.
"What do you want? I'll pay." Jacob says.
"You spoil me too much. Can I have a small vanilla?" I ask. Jacob smiles at me and he gets a chocolate vanilla swirl. Everyone else gets their ice cram and we sit down. Jacob goes to talk to hunter and I see Mark sitting alone so I join him.
"Hey brotha" I say and sit down next to him.
"Hey." He sighs. I pout.
"What's wrong?" I ask, worried about him.
"Well, everyone is dating someone and I'm sill single. I'm always getting left out and it makes me feel like I'm never going to find someone. I just want a girl that I can love, I want to play with her hair until she falls asleep. I want to spoil her with food, clothes and anything she wants. I want someone I can give all my love to." Mark says, I wipe a tear that sneaks down his cheek.
"You find her, I promise. Mark, you're an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you." I comfort him.
"Thanks Ches." Mark slightly smiles. I open my arms and engulf him in a big hug.
"I love you." I whisper in his ear.
"Love you too sista." He chuckles and we let go.
"I'm going to go talk to Jacob, if that's alright with you." I tell Mark. He nods and I walk over to Jacob who is looking at me with his jaw dropped. He grabs my hand and forcefully pulls me out of the ice cream place.
"What the hell was that?" Jacob raises his voice.
"Mark was sad so I gave him a hug." I shrug my shoulders.
"That was a pretty long hug." He says.
"You can't possibly be mad at me!" I raise my voice back.
"Well I'm sorry that I don't want my girl hugging other guys!" Jacob says and crosses his arms. My girl, I love that.
"What else was I supposed to do? Watch him cry?" I snap.
"Yeah kinda!" Jacob yells. I roll my eyes.
"I don't feel like having an argument over this." I say and walk back into the store. Jacob grabs my arm, yet again, and pulls me outside.
"What now?" I snap.
"I don't want to leave on an argument." Jacob whispers, trying to get me to give in.
"Maybe you should have thought about that before you yelled at me." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.
"I know Chesney but you're mine! I claimed you, am I going to have to write on your forehead 'Jacobs property'? I know you don't like this but I get jealous when I see you with other guys. Maybe it's because I'm insecure, maybe because I think I'm not good enough for you, I don't know!" Jacob says. I can't take it, I have to forgive him.
"You think you aren't good enough for me?" I whisper.
"Yeah, all the time! Chesney, you're perfect and everyone drools over you." Jacob says. I just hug him.
"I'm sorry I made you angry." I whisper.
"I'm sorry I yelled." Jacob says.

I'm sorry. I'm gonna start updating soon.
Thanks for 44.7k!!! My goal is 46k. Y'all are amazing ❤️
Word count: 1323 words

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