Chapter 13

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  Jacobs pov
Everyone finishes up their cereal and packs up their bags. They leave one by one and soon enough, Chesney and I are home alone.
  "So... what do ya wanna do?" I ask her.
  "Um... lets go take a walk." She says.
  "Alright. We can go in my woods, I know a spot." I say.
  "Let's do it!" She says. She runs upstairs and changes into an outfit that makes her look beautiful. (In media)
  I change into some sweatpants and my favorite sweatshirt (of corse) and we head out.
  We walk down a path that my mom had made.
  After like 10 minutes of walking and just talking about things we get to the creek. I lay down my sweatshirt and let her sit on it. I sit down next to her. We just sit on the creek bank with our feet dangling off.
"This is beautiful." Chesney says.
"Not as beautiful as you" I say. I know, it's really cheesy. I put my arm around her and she puts her head on my shoulder.
"Alright, there's water and I really wanna get in it. You can stay here if you want... or you can have some fun with me." Chesney says. She takes off her shoes and her scarf.
"I'm down" I say and laugh. I take off my sweatshirt and shoes and walk in the creek after her. She splashes me a whole bunch.
"Hey, you jerk!" I say while splashing her back. We walk upstream to an old beaver dam. Since its blocking the flow of the river, it gets deeper and deeper, It's up to my collarbone. On Chesney, the water it up to her chin. Suddenly, she screams in pain.
"Chesney, what's wrong!?" I yell.
"I hit my foot on a sharp rock!" She says between sobs. I pick her up and carry her out to where my sweatshirt is and sit her down. I wrap her scarf around her to soak up some of the blood and I wrap my sweatshirt around that. I put my shoes on. She puts one of hers on and carries the other. I pick her up and run back to the house and sit her down on the couch. I slowly and carefully take off my sweatshirt and her scarf. The cut is really deep, like 1 1/2 inches. It is like 4 inches long.
"You need stitches, Chesney." I say. She looks in my eyes.
"Alright, call 911." She calmly says. I wipe off one of the tears that dripped down her face and run to the house phone. I dial 9-1-1.
"This is 911 what is your emergency?" The operator says.
"My um girlfriend stepped on a sharp rock in the creek and the cut needs stitches. Can you send an ambulance?" I say, nervously. I give her my address and phone number. We wait until the ambulance arrives and once it does I go in with her. The ride is really bumpy and shaky.
  Once we get to the hospital we are transferred to a room. A nurse comes in and wraps up her foot with cloth stuff.
  "This will just hold back the blood flow until the doctor gets here." The nurse tells us, giving a big white smile.
  "Alright, thanks." I say. I pull up a chair and sit next to Chesney.
  "Thanks, Jacob. That date was awesome, you know until I cut open my foot." Chesney laughs and gives me a wink. I smile at her and nod. We just sit there and talk about different injures we've had and stuff until the doctor comes in.
  "Alright I'm going to get a look at your foot and tell you what we need to do." The doctor explains.
  "Alright." Chesney says. He takes off her bandages and pours some liquid on it. It must sting Chesney because she's making faces so I grab her hand, she squeezes mine. 
  "Okay, I'll just be stitching it up now." The doctor says.
  Every time he puts the needle on Chesney's foot, she squeezes my hand a little tighter.
  "Okay, I'm done." He says. She got 20 stitches. The doctor walks out for a while and I just talk to her.
  "Do you wanna lay down here?" She asks me.
  "Um okay." I laugh. I lay down next to Chesney and she puts her body against mine. The nurse walks in.
  "Sorry to interrupt but these are Chesney's crutches she'll have to use for about two weeks. She will need physical therapy after that." The nurse implies to us. Chesney nods and the nurse walks away. 
  "I'm hungry, are you?" Chesney asks.
  "A little. Do you want me to go get something?"
  "Yes please." She says. I get up and walk to the deli kitchen thing.  (idk what to call it) I buy her and I each medium fruit salads and walk back to the room. I hand her the salad and she eats it up.
  "Thanks." She says and gives me a peck on the cheek. I blush a little. She's so perfect and kind. I get butterflies whenever we talk.
  "Chesney will be able to go home as soon as you guys have a ride; do you have a parent or guardian that can pick you up?" The nurse asks.
  "Um my mom should be home tomorrow from her trip." I say.
  "Okay well just get her to pick you up as soon as possible." The nurse says with a smile.
  "0kay." I answer. My mom is never home and it bothers me a lot. I just never get to see her.
  I get in bed with Chesney and we just watch some TV and hang out. I had called my mom earlier and told her about Chesney. She's going to pick us up tomorrow.
"Now that we're stuck here, what do you wanna do?" Chesney asks.
"I don't know. It's up to you." I say. All I brought is my phone and my charger.
"Do you have Netflix on that?" Chesney asks me.
"Who doesn't? Of corse I do." I tell her.
"Let's watch something scary!" Chesney excitedly says.
"Like what?" I ask. I don't get scared that easily so I can watch practically anything.
"Umm let's watch Friday the 13th!" She says. She seems really excited. I've seen this one before so I find it and put it on.
In the beginning, it's not super scary. You know right away when someone is going to get killed because there's like a noise/ song that's made but Chesney always gets scared. I put my arm around her and she leans up against me more every time something scary happens. She's so cute.

Chesney's pov
This movie scares me, which is good. I lean against Jacobs chest and listen to his heartbeat. Call me crazy, but it's just so calming. Jacob is so caring, I don't know where I would be if I didn't move to Virginia. It's about 3:00 so I would be on the bus ride home in the back listening to Eminem crying while people yell, jump in my seat, slap me, punch me, etc. They would call me slut, stupid, asshole, ugly, and some other shit. Then, I would go home. Puffy eyes and rosy cheeks. I love my parents to death but they didn't give a flying fadoodle about my life. (A/n I just realized it's Sunday in the story but I really wanted to add this part in. Sorry!)
The Sartorius family, however, the Sartorius family is so kind. Jacobs mom ask how our day was (when she's home) and I also like when she goes on business trips because we get a chance to be independent and stuff. I don't know, I just like being alone sometimes.
I pay attention back to the movie right when he kills someone. I dig my face into Jacobs chest. He laughs. Every time he laughs, I can't help but smile. Jacob is the best thing that's ever happened to me, even if it's only been about a week.
Jacobs pov
  Chesney ends up drifting off to sleep. I turn off my phone, kiss her on the forehead and go to sleep also.

Omg hey guys!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I had a camp all week last week so I couldn't write. I also want to work hard on every chapter and give you guys my best work so I tend to take longer when I do that. I hope you enjoyed!
              ~ Lacey
Word count: 1433

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