Chapter 22

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(Chesney's pov)
Next, Hunter and Julia go in. Hailey sits impatiently and once the seven minutes is up she opens the door and...

Chesney's pov
Hunter and Julia are making out. Hailey just stands there, in shock. She should be, they've been dating for like 8 months.
"Hailey... it's not what it looks like." Hunter says.
"It obviously is." Hailey snaps.
"Are you okay?" I butt in.
"Yeah, why should I be sad about an idiot?" Hailey says.
"Now that that's over with... I think... Hailey and Mario, into the closet!!" Weston says and points into the closet.

Haileys pov
Hunter pissed me off. He hurt me. Mario looks at me.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks.
"I know this is terrible timing, but when Weston told me about you, I immediately thought I like you. When I saw you when I walked through the door and saw you, I thought you were beautiful. Hailey, I like you." Mario says, nervously.
"I like you too, Mario." I say. I look at him and slam my lips onto his, he kisses back. I feel sparks, but not like Hunter. We kiss for like a minute until Weston opens the door.
I get up and look over at Hunter, who is holding hands with Julia and looking into the closet. His smile fades. He takes his hand out of Julia's and walks over to the couch. He just sits there, staring blankly at the ceiling.
"What's wrong babe?" Julia walks over and asks Hunter.

Chesney's pov
"BABE?" Hailey yells.
"Oh, I guess we should have told you, Hunter and I are dating." Julia says.
"Yeah I kinda got the memo." Hailey answers. "I'm just a little
Angry that Hunter decided to cheat on me when I thought he was loyal. I guess I was lying to myself for eight months." Hailey answers.
"I guess you were." Julia says with a pouty face.
"Hunter, Julia, get the hell out of my house. I don't want to see you." Hailey says, pointing to the door.
"Well that was a short visit." Julia snaps, grabs hunters wrist and walks out. Hailey runs up to her room and I follow.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"I'm getting all of hunters stuff that he left here." She says, putting a whole bunch of clothes, bracelets, sweatshirts, etc. in the box. She then dumps it out the window, his stuff all over the road and sidewalk. She's only crying a little. I look at her and she looks at me. I wipe her tear.
"Hailey, you're beautiful and you don't deserve Hunter." I tell her, getting up and grabbing makeup remover wipes and wiping off the mascara that was dripping down her face.
"Mario said he likes me." She says with a smile.
"Really?? Go talk to him!" I answer.
"Okay!" She says and runs downstairs. I smile.

Heyy guys!! I know it's short but I have to study. Would you rather me update everyday and have like 450-600 words or every couple days with like 700-1,000 words? THANKS FOR 8,860 READS OMG!!! My new goal is 9,100 reads. We are so close to 10k, it's unbelievable!! Word count: 540 words

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