Chapter 9

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Chesney's pov
Jacob and I are both woken up to the sound of his alarm. I get up and go to my room. I get in the shower, quickly washing off and putting on my clothes. I do my makeup, just mascara and eyeliner. I dry my hair and keep it down. I grab my backpack and walk downstairs and see Jacob already eating some microwaved pancakes, he had added chocolate chips.
"You want something?" Jacob asks.
"Nah, I usually don't eat breakfast. I get hungry later in the day." I say, I've gone down to eating a meal and a snack a day. I just eat lunch and something else for dinner, but never a whole meal.
"Alright." Jacob sighs. I can tell he's a little worried, I'm at my target weight that I set a couple years ago but I want to loose more weight.
I pack my lunch. I put a banana, an apple, water and a granola bar in.
As Jacob and I walk to school, some girls walk up to him and seem flirty. I've never met them, though. There's one girl, I think her name is Natalie, she is like obviously really into Jacob and he is like hitting on her I guess. I don't really think much of it though, he might be like that all the time.
  Once we get to school, I go to my locker. Marks locker is on one side of me and Jacobs is on the other. They've patched things up pretty well and are becoming friends again! I'm really happy about it.
I go to first period, Jacob and I have all the same classes. We have science, ugh. I sit next to Jacob and he hands me a note. It's says
Party at our house Saturday?
I mouth the word "yes" to him. He smirks. He's so friggin cute when he does that.
Once period one is over, we go to Spanish. Jacob always makes fun of the teacher and it's hilarious. We only get a little bit of homework. Jacob and I gathered our make-up work from the day we were "sick".
Once Spanish is over, we go to math and Jacob sits next to me and hands me another note.
The people I'm inviting are Mark, you, hunter R, Brandon R, Hailey S, and Natalie
~ J
I just give him a thumbs-up and he smiles. We then pay attention to the teacher for the last five minutes so that we can at least have an idea of what she's talking about.
Now, we have lunch. Jacob, Brandon, Hunter, Mark, Hailey, that Natalie girl and I all sit together at a circle table. Hailey and I are friends but I can't stand Natalie. Hailey is dating Hunter. His brother, Brandon is pretty cute but I really only have eyes for Jacob.
  Natalie gets like REALLY touchy with Jacob. I'm surprised Jacob is so calm about it, he isn't pushing her away or anything.
  Once lunch is over Jacob and I go to our last four periods and walk home. As we walk, the guys that threw rocks at him walk up to us. I grab his hand, I'm really nervous. He squeezes my hand, implying he is too.
  "What do you dirtbags want?" I say, I try to be sassy. The "leader" of the group smirks at me. He's disgusting. One guy quickly pushes Jacob onto the sidewalk.
  "What the hell was that for?" I raise my voice.
  "It's for Jacob being a player. He's not going to stay with you, I bet he doesn't even like you. Trust me, you guys are going to break up before next week because Jacob's gonna find a new girl" Kyle, the leader says.
  "Or you guys are jealous of him." I say. They walk away and I quickly help Jacob up, who was on the ground.
  "Are you okay?" I ask him, he hit his elbow when he fell and it's pretty scratched up.
  "Yeah, I'm fine." Jacob says as he brushes off some dust.
  "Good. Let's get home, Sartorius." I say, he smiles and throws his arm around me.  
  Once we get home, we do our homework. (More like googling the answers and using an app called photo math) and we go upstairs to his room.
  We text all the people and they are all coming on Saturday. I don't tell Jacob about Natalie, I really don't want to stress him.
  We watch some Netflix and I go to my room at around 10 to go to sleep.

Ayee I meant to update yesterday but I didn't because I was busy and I had a science test and stuff. The next couple chapters are going to be heated, this one was a little boring.
  I'm going to start doin word count so the word count is
        814 words!

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