A Meeting of Three

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Hello readers. I am new to this whole fanfic thing. So any ideas, comments, corrections, you may have. Please let me know. Now lets get on with the story shall we.

Your heart aches, you finished one of the best fanfictions you have read in a while. One you felt for on many levels. It was the shh series on wattpad, made by Naomi. You loved it because she was a great writer, knew how to toy with your mind. You also love reading fanfics about your brother, though not many people knew you existed. Not even you brother mark, or as most knew him, markiplier.

You see, 26 years ago you were kidnapped when you were young. Mark was born when you were three. you remember promising him you would protect him. But you were separated from your mom and kidnapped. Once you left you adoptive parents, you researched and looked around for your family, the family you vaguely remember. Though it wasn't much to go on, as all you could really remember was your baby brothers name. And the day you lost your mom. About five years ago, you hit a snag if you findings. The tracks stopped dead cold.

Around that time, you lost your job, and went into a deep depression. You found mark on YouTube, and he was so joyous and funny, you actually started to come put of your depression. You watched his videos all the time. Until one day.

He mentioned that the day of the video, March fourteenth, was a hard day for his family. He doesn't remember much, since he was a baby. But his older brother was kidnapped on his brothers birthday.

You almost fell out of your chair. That day was the day of your adoption. You felt sick to your stomach, there was no way that was a coincidence. That day was your birthday.

Ever since, you knew your family was alive, and still remembered you. They even still tried to look for you. You were so happy, and wanted to reach out to the, but how?

You come back out of your thoughts, remembering your plan. A certain ComiCon happened to be on your birthday, one a certain YouTuber would be going to. What a wonderful way to surprise your family. In fact, you and your friend Nikki will be leaving later. She introduced to markiplier when you were depressed.

She knew your plan, and loved it. She even paid extra to give you a V.I.P pass, so you don't have to wait in line.

She picks you up in her car, and you are off. You don't remember much of the ride, as you were reading more fanfics. Some were normal, and some were slash fics. What, you found them disturbing, but yet so enchanting.

Nikki parks the car. "Alright, we are here. Now gimme a minute, I have to get things out of the trunk."

You open the door and step out. God, it felt good to stretch your legs after that long drive.

Nikki comes over and gives you the lanyard and tag of the VIP pass. "Go ahead, and don't worry about me. You have a family to see again."

You hug her. "Thanks Nikki, you are the bestest friend a guy could ask for." You look at her beautiful face. If it weren't for the fact that you were like sister and brother, you may have started dating her years ago. You kiss her cheek in a brotherly way. With that, you go off toward the building.

Once you get inside you get a map and look around. If it hadn't been for the fact that you were on a mission, you would have gone around and looked at everything. You have always wanted to come here, but you never had the time.

Looking at the map you see he is near the front and you go over. You immediately get in line, when you remember that you have the VIP pass. You jump over to the other line, and the ushers urge you forward. You walk up to him, with butterflies in your stomach. His blue floof looks great. He sits to the side of the table. He gives you that classic smile of his.

"Hello, and who might you be?" He says in that voice that saved you many years ago.

"I.. I'm" you stutter, "Y/N" You blush. Really. That is the best I can do.

"And what brings you here?"

You take a deep breath. "You."

He looks surprised, and stands up. "And why would I bring you?"

You hug him, tears starting to come down your face. He hugs you back awkwardly , then lets go.

"Because today is my birthday, and I am your brother."

He stares at you for what seems like days, then whispers. "Y/N."

You nod your head. And he pulls you into a hug again.

"We found you, after all these years, we found you." He lets go of you. "Listen, in about an hour, I have a lunch break. We gotta talk. You can sit with me at this table if you like, while you wait"

"As much as I would love to Mark, I came with a friend. I gotta make sure she doesn't kidnap some random YouTuber."

He laughs. "I understand, can you meet me back here."

"You got it."

You start to walk away, when he clears his throat. You turn around.

He looks at your eyes. "Welcome home Y/N." After he speaks his brown eyes seem to flash black, while a mischievous grin appears. You feel nervous, the stare unsettling you. You blink and his eyes are normal.

You walk away and see all the people giving you murderous glances, which you assume is from the hug. But they are nothing compared to what you saw with mark. When his eyes turned black, you felt the his gaze was piercing your soul.

"That wasn't real, was it?" But if it was, then that means...

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