My Demon is My Mom

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You get back to your home. The minute you step in the door, you are tackled. "Where the fuck were you?"

You use your telekinesis to push him off. "I had to go see Momiplier. I had a few questions to ask her."

You go sit down on the couch,and open the book. "What is that?"

It's a book. One that has spells from my family.

"Give it to me."

"Um, how do I put this... oh that's right. Fuck no."

Dark reaches for the book. Before he reaches it, we both hear a voice. "Touch it and you will face the consequences."

You look to see Razzi has appeared. Your mind starts to piece together the puzzle. "No. It can't be. All this time. And I never knew. But how? Why? Oh God, all this time."

Dark looks at you confused. Razzi smiles. "You always were smart. It never took you long to put the puzzle together."

"But how? I mean, I don't... understand."

"I will explain. When I was pregnant, I knew it wouldn't make it. I made a deal with a demon. The deal was that I myself would become one when I pass away. When the baby was born, the demon came to collect. But, because of my bloodline, I was reborn as a guardian demon."

Dark speaks up. "What the hell are you two talking about?"

"To put it plainly, say hi to my mother."

"But... but I thought Momiplier was."

"She adopted me when my birth mother passed away. And Razzi here, is the demonic incarnation of her. My mom was reborn as a demon."

This is great. My family is coming together. But that also means the danger I sense is coming closer.

And wait a minute. Mark and I aren't related. Thank God, I can feel so much better.

Dark and Razzi talk for a while. You zone out reading a few spells. Some are in English, some Latin.

There are two other languages that you can read, but don't know they are. As you finish reading one that creates animals made out of fire, your head bursts into pain.

You grab your head as you scream. "Fuuucckkkk." Your vision flashes white. When you open your eyes, you don't feel the pain. You look around, and see clay loosely molded into the figure of a human.

Three clear jars sit beside the life size mound. The one on the left has a human femur. The middle has a human heart. The last one has two drops of blood.

Your vision flashes again. When you awaken, you find yourself laying on the ground. Dark looks at you in concern. You hear it in his voice, as he picks you up. "Are you ok? Y/N, speak to me."

You smile. "Aww. Darky cares about me."

He lets go of you, and you fall. Your wings snap out, and you get your balance. "Wow, that was crazy. What was that?" You look at Razzi.

"It seems you have a very rare power in our family. You have clairvoyance. That power hasn't shown up for quite a few centuries. The first few visions normally hurt. After awhile, the pain should go away."

"So I had a vision of the future?"

"Well more like one of them. Think of the timeline as a tree. You are at the trunk. The higher you go, the more possibilities there are. So you can see any of those possibilities. But our family tend to see the more likely ones. So what ever you saw, may not happen. But it is more likely then some others."

Great, another power I have to worry about. "I just hope that never happens when I am in a fight." You look at your spell book. Wait a minute. You open it and flip through the pages. You find the ritual you were looking for. Daemon Corpus. That is what my vision was about. Making a body for a demon.

You close the book. I am gonna have to think about this. You look at Dark, his black eyes calm. Maybe that part of my dream will come true.

You feel your eyes get heavy. "I think I am gonna go to sleep. Flying so much has exhausted me."

You go to your room. You lay on your bed, and put the book in the shadows. You close your eyes and sleep.

You dream of flying in the sky. You look below you and see the clouds, they white puffiness breathtaking. The sun beams on your back, giving you warmth in the cool air.

"Don't get to far ahead. Remember, I am taking you somewhere."

You slow down, letting Dark catch up to you. You look over at him, and he looks the way he did in your other dream. Like Mark, but has his own features. His wings are scarily beautiful. They aren't like any you have seen before. They have the bone structure of bat wings, but have pitch black feathers. "Sorry, I just enjoy flying. I feel so free, as if all my troubles are on the ground."

I know, and you look so beautiful. When I first found you, I never realized this is how we were meant to be. I need you, you complete me.

You wake up. That felt so real. I wonder if this a part of my sight. I just know, I so won't be able to run from my feelings.

You get out of bed, and hear a scream from the next room. The sound followed by Mark's ending. You open your door. "Really, you don't live by yourself. Close the Damn door next time."

He comes out while taking his shirt off. You stare at his hot body while you have the chance. You see a giant wet spot on the shirt. You give him your classic look. He gives you his goofy smile in return. "What, I do need water when I play games. I just happened to get jump scared when I was drinking."

You take the shirt. "Idiot. Your lucky I have to do wash. Also, I have something to tell you. Let me start my wash."

Hopefully he takes it fine. I don't want to lose him.

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