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And that my readers is end of Book 1. I have some more things planned for you. *smiles evily* second story is called... Forced to Restart(though this may change)*update* the new story is called Changing Times

Hope you liked this story. I loved making it. Please, and questions about this book, comment, concerns, let me know.

And questions for me personally, feel free to ask. I will try to be truthful, but I may not want to share select information.

Keep on reading. This world must never stop reading. Reading fills the mind and imagination.

And also, if you have an idea for a Fanfic of your own. Don't be afraid to write it. I was afraid to write this, thinking no one would read it, but now I have over 600 reads...

Thank you for making this a blast.

And one more thing. I will be going on a hiatus. I want to give myself a break. After that, I need to get the second story ready. I will let you guys know when i start writing again. Hope you guys understand.

Until next time, see ya.

Falling Into Dark (Dark X Male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now